Friday 11 March 2011

This is the Earth Speaking; this is Your Personal Wake Up Call…

Today, 11.03.11 there has been a massive earthquake in Japan. This has subsequently caused a massive tsunami to hit the whole pacific coastline. The earth is shifting.  The polar shift is quite possibly upon us.  Today we are ruled by the Mayan sign of water, which is an eastern sign, a sign of great flowing energy, a flood water pouring out into the earth, symbolically and quite literally.
The earth is preparing itself for the great shifts occurring right now, under our feet, inside our bodies, in our minds hearts and soul.  We are all linked to the earth and each other.
Have any of you been feeling this pull, this tug? Have any of you experienced an earthquake in your personal lives, or a tsunami of emotions?  The earth is moving, shifting, and we can only try our best to stay focussed, and stay connected to the earth, and stay balanced while we move in this shifting time.
The full moon on the 19th of March 2011 next week will appear unusually large in the night sky as it reaches a point in its cycle known as 'lunar perigee'.  Stargazers will be treated to a spectacular view when the moon approaches Earth at a distance of 221,567 miles in its elliptical orbit - the closest it will have passed to our planet since 1992. It will seem 14% bigger and 30% brighter. This phenomenon has reportedly heightened concerns about 'super moons' being linked to extreme weather events - such as earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, of which we are now experiencing. The last time the moon passed close to the Earth was on 10 January 2005, around the time of the Indonesian earthquake that measured 9.0 on the Richter scale.
Symbolically and mythological, this full moon lands on the spring equinox and the Mayan day sign of Earth, another name for this sign is Earthquake.
To me this all points to the balancing and changing of the earth, as predicted by the Maya, the Patchakuti, the turning right way up of the earth.  
We need to consciously stop trying to analyse these events, stop trying to think about it, we need to let life flow, and trust, and let this resonate within the earth. Hindering this flow is causing the earth to shake. The Unity consciousness is making us more aware than ever that our beliefs and our emotions create our world, to the extent that our stunted and rigid beliefs about the earth being here solely for us humans for us to take how and when we choose is now quaking the very earth from our feet.  When beliefs start to crumble, all that was held from it starts to crumble. We are waking up and realising the earth was here long before us, and we are to be at one with it, to be a part of her, and to live in harmony with her.  And as this is the first full moon of the unity consciousness, we are all feeling it.
This time is ruled by the Mayan God of time and fire.  In the news the pacific coastline is called “the ring of fire”
This full moon lets all meditate/pray for balance, harmony in the earth and within us, and ask that it comes with great ease and grace..Remember this, I sometimes forget! ;) (Read article;  Up the Mountain and Down Again)
The peak of this wave will be around the full moon, so after it should be a bit quieter….for now…..lets ride these energy waves with courage strength grace and beauty, here’s to the new world!!


  1. I love this! I believe our thoughts, wishes and prayers do become reality. What we believe, is what we get. It is time to stop thinking that man owns the Earth. A change is definitely approaching. The energy and the pull is there. We have to start thinking more in tune with the Earth. She knows what to do. She's been doing it for ages. And we are only 1 of many who call her home. I will be joining you to pray for balance and harmony, for us, and for our beautiful Earth.

  2. I love it, too! I believe that we must each focus on creating balance within ourselves and then radiate that to the Earth and beyond.

  3. Thank you for your comments! I have had more hits on this article than any of my others, I can see everyone waking up all around us! and I can see how much this has affected everyone, so much love and support towards Japan and the Pacific coastline, we are here, the ones we have been waiting for, and we are supporting each other just like the Earthkeepers. In so much apparent darkness there is sooo much light available....

  4. For me this is what Unity Consciousness brings.. opportunities to gather, to share, to be at one with each other. Stepping into the shoes of another ... thanks for your insights Danny. Love the way you write! xx

  5. I have just realised, rereading this that I have the same picute on my inspiring blog, Danny! Sx
