Friday 4 March 2011

The eagle suffers little birds to sing, and is not careful what they mean thereby, Knowing that with the shadow of his wings He can at pleasure stint their melody: Even so mayest thou the giddy men of Rome. William Shakespeare

In early February 2011, there were major political protests (inspired by recent similar events in Tunisia, Egypt and other parts of the Arab world), which quickly turned into a general uprising, broke out in Libya against Gaddafi's government. By 26 February 2011, Gaddafi was reported as having lost control of much of the country.
From the Mayan calendar this day was ruled by Vulture, embodying the wisdom of the past.  It is not an easy day sign and they may have had a lot of karmic cleansing to deal with. On the surface there may be a sense of joy and humour but underneath there is a very deep and serious element. Complacency was the straw that broke the camel’s back, causing introspection from which derived much wisdom.  This wisdom was that, life cannot go on the way it has, change is needed!
Vultures uses virtually no energy in flight, instead they use the wind and the currents of the earth energies to hold themselves afloat high above the mountains.
The challenge in life is to find an ethical way of taking it easy, enjoying life and relaxing in harmony with the earth and the community.
In ancient times before the rise of Islam there were pagan societies; one of the Gods of these societies was the Vulture God, Nasr, full of ancient wisdom, clarity and insight.

Colonel Gaddafi was born into the sign of Eagle, 7th June 1942 a sign that is both powerful and ambitious and with high aspiration for life. There is a soaring energy about him and life may occur to him as a constant dream of light which can often blind. He is successful in achieving material abundance and fortune because of his higher perspective and intelligence.
In most Native American peoples the Eagle clan was important and the Eagle was a messenger that brought with it hope and faith on the wings of the spirit. The Eagle has a keen sense of details and technical orientation, much like Gaddafi.  If the Eagle aspires for too much and sees to attain this because of his superior abilities, this may lead to a fall from the heights. Eagles that love freedom should be aware of the risks of escapism.
The conflict in Libya is a fight between the Eagle and the Vulture.  The Vulture land, complacent with Eagles high rule and intricate planning, organising and micro managing, has had enough, and is tearing away from the Great Eagle, whose superior viewpoint has made him separate from his people.
The ancient Vulture has raised her head to clean the corps of the old world.  The times are changing and civilisation which rose from this place in the east is starting to crumble, like the rest of the world the old is crumbling to make way for the new.  The old world is dying, and a new world is about to be born.  It is a fitting place to begin.
{At the start of this decay we see three  names, Osama Bin Laden (Day Sign; Serpent)  Saddam Hussein (Day sign; Water) and G W Bush (Also a Serpent….) The Waters of life are over flowing, the Great River flows towards the end times, and the Serpents, bringers of change, are shedding the past}
In Islamic beliefs, the Shaitan, (the Serpent/Devil in Christian myth) tricked Adam and Eve into taking a bite into the fruit of knowledge, the knowledge and power to create Angels and Gods.
The serpent is an element of beauty, shedding her skin to grow, just as we are shedding our pasts, our stories, our present world, enabling us to grow and illuminate.  Now is the time to take that fruit and enjoy its sweet taste, and create Angels and Gods.

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