Friday 8 April 2011

New Forces Of Nature

A particle accelerator in the US has found hints of a never before seen particle.
The find still needs to be confirmed, but researchers at the Tevatron (The Tevatron was the highest-energy accelerator in the world now we have the LHC which is faster) are working hard through the data. If proved correct, it will be a completely new unanticipated particle! Researchers say it cannot be the Higgs boson. If this is correct then we have a new fundamental force of nature and the most extreme change in physics for decades.
The team were analysing data from collisions between protons and their anti-matter counterpart’s antiprotons. During the collisions, tiny particles known as W bosons were produced, along with a pair of jets of other particles; it’s in these jets that the unexpected bump in the team's data came to be, potentially showing sings of a particle that in the current understanding of the mass of subatomic particles (the Standard Model) does not include.
"There's a 0.1% chance that this is a statistical fluke," he said. "Other than that possibility that lingers, this is the most exciting new physics we've learned about in my lifetime." Dr Hooper - a theoretical physicist at Fermilab who was not involved in the research.
If this is true, Dr Hooper believes that the mystery particle represents an undiscovered "fundamental force".
"We'd essentially be saying there's a new force of nature being communicated by the particle. We know that there are four forces: electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. This would be the fifth; every freshman physics class would have to change their textbooks."
The times are changing and as we have entered the first night of the Mayan underworld, ruled by the God of Earth, is this something to do with the reality of matter, earthliness? The reality of our existence? Or maybe will it bring a light to the unseen world? The unseen world we may be about to encounter…..

In the Inca tradition, the four forces of nature; electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear forces are represented by Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird and Condor…what would this 5th force be?? What would represent it?

The science team say that it is caused by the collision of protons and antiprotons, the building blocks of particles, which makes almost everything. Are these new particles the children of the protons, the masculine and feminine in microcosm, are they the creation of life? Is this 5th force life itself?......possibly…who knows? …..Who is asking the question?

On the 14th April we enter into the 2nd Day ruled by the Goddess of Water, could this be the time we understand this fundamental change in Physics? The fluidity of the nature of reality….

If you watch documentaries about science one thing stands out to me, the more I hear scientist talk the more I see them as poets, artists, muses, priests…they talk about the beauty of the universe and nature of our reality, in that it is not what it seems…everything is made up of particles dancing the different dances of forces, and each particle is only 30% matter, 70% nothingness, what is in that nothingness? Something?  They talk about the nature of time, in that it doesn’t actually exist (well not as we know it)
We are in a time now where science and spirituality are merging…science in catching up with what the ancient elders always knew!

We are in an era, a level, an underworld, that is the most profound of all our history….ever…scientific exploration is stretching further than we have ever been and will continue too over the coming days/months/years…
What is next?
You don’t know? Exactly!

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes Danny... last year in two of my classes.. one in Romania and one in UK.. we created the 5th Altar. It came out of an inspiration I had when I had asked the class to create 4 altars to honour their personal work through the four directions. It seemed to me that there was a fifth altar waiting in the background to be developed. I invited some of the students to be willing to be with the 'I don't know' of this. To create a fifth altar.. from 'no' thing. The first class found it difficult to step away from the 'known'.. but after some back and forth of thoughts... they went with their own 'inspiration' and created something which was so simple, so beautiful, so authentic... I will never forget the experience of stepping into the altar that evening. In that space something extraordinary happened.. it was as if we all arrived 'home' here on earth... we were at the same time in the 'cosmos' among the stars.. and yet fully present in the moment here on earth. It was so powerful an experience for us all.. we did not want to move out of this space. I felt it was important to bring our findings back through each of the other archetypes.. back to serpent.. so that we were able to 'embody' here on earth what this meant to us. The fifth altar comes from 'I don't know'. As humans we have been trained to 'know'.. but this fifth altar was outside of the known.. in the place of unknowable. I was deeply grateful to my class for their willingness to explore this. The Uk class found it easier some months later to create their fifth altar.... and no doubt the more it is explored the easier it will become to manifest this on earth.. HO! And thank you Danny for your intelligent, insightful blog.. I love reading it, and responding.
