Tuesday 8 March 2011

Universal Unity Consciousness

As of tomorrow, 9th of March 2011, there will be a shift in consciousness, a shift to universal unity consciousness.
What will happen?  I hear you say; I have no idea!? Good!  If we did know, then we would have already been here before and that isn’t a good thing! If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.  Time for change....and change is a happening! You know the changes I’m talking about, you can see them on the news, hear the changes as you listen in on people’s conversations, and see the changes in your own personal lives. We have all been invited to be here at this momentous time to see the changes happen, the birth of a new world into being, take courage in that statement, the higher powers that be, the universe, Great Spirit has asked us to be here, right now….everyone….
I believe that our thoughts of separation, segregation, the ‘them and us’ mentality will slowly go from our minds….feelings of alienation, difference (in its negative form) aloneness will be something we can honour and transcend into oneness, togetherness, unity.
I believe more and more people will be ‘on the same page’ and there will be a mass awakening of open mindedness, questioning and questing, looking for our purpose, why are we here? People will question life, our life and be open to other ways, like spring flowers cold from winter grasp we will wake up, in the warmth of the first rays of the sun. The dawn of a new day, a new consciousness of universal unity is emerging.
Possibly we are moving towards a time of harmony, non violence and peace......possibly we could be becoming unified in our actions and our voices……Is world peace and harmony something you would like?....Then BE it. 
With unity consciousness the more people who believe something, desire something and love something the more it will happen. 
Science has already seen that the human body and human mind is somehow linked energetically to the earth’s magnetic field, and where there is a mass of one particular thought, feeling, emotion, (such as when there is a terrorist attack) the energetic field around that part of the earth shows a different frequency, which in turn makes the area around it vibrate at the same or similar rate, like ripples on a pond….
This is the start of unity consciousness…
The earth is turning, the frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field is weakening to allow this polar shift to occur, and the pulse of the earth is getting stronger…this is all happening the way it should….everything is happening the way it should, all is perfect, and I know we may not see it like that, these are the birthing pain as we birth a new world, and we are birthed into it, but what needs to change is our mind and perception of what we see, our consciousness….maybe unity consciousness will help this to occur?
This level of consciousness will last until the 28th of October 2011. There will be great waves of universal energy pouring down during this time; we need to learn to ride these waves during this most important time.
Shine brightly, bring your truth, don’t take life personally, stay connected to the earth the Pachamama. 

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