Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Awakening the Divine Feminine

After a very deep sleep my second day started at seven in the morning for breathing exercises, I am not talking about gentle breathing in and out, we are talking jet powered celestial rapid breathing! At that time in the morning I can barely open my eyes let alone breathe fire! They should re name it dragon breathing! As difficult as it was, the following few days became a lot easier until it became natural.  It links us to the earth, the mountains, the sun, heaven and the stars, what a beautiful way to wake up!
This day was all about the divine feminine.  We had a wonderful visit to Europe’s only temple of the goddess, a beautiful temple in the centre of Glastonbury town, many tears were shed here, a very quiet, moving and beautiful place, I dedicated my life to the service of the divine mother, here, in front of this beautiful altar.
I was looking forward to the Daykeepers rite the most, The Pampamesoyoc, we were to join to the lineage of healers and alter builders, keepers of the sacred places, they were the first “Ones who serve the Mother” erecting stone circles all over the world in her honour.
They are the doorways and the gatekeepers of the otherworlds, joining with them means we are now a part of this, we can step into the spirit of Daykeeper when we want, and hold sacred space...or hold space in the sacred…..we can call spirit to us. All the places I have dreamed of, Stonehenge, Giza, Machu Picchu all these alters are what the Daykeepers built, (and yes, now being a part of this lineage, I suppose I helped create them too!)  When I received the rites of the Daykeepers, I felt a familiar sense of being around old friends and family members, I sensed a whole troop of beautiful people, men and woman of all kinds, healers, shamans, witch doctors, medicine men and woman of all nationalities and races.  It felt friendly, welcoming, I felt like celebrating and singing!  Joy! Joy! Joy!
Time and space is very illusive in Glastonbury, so some of my memories my not have happened in the timeframe I remember them, but stepping outside of time means ignoring normal timeframes, It’s an odd sensation, like living in a dream world where the unusual and the abnormal are the usual and the normal.
Later on that day we crept deep into a dark womb like chapel deep under the house we were staying at, we stopped at the top of the stairs waiting to go down, and you could almost see a skin like surface, like the skin on top of water, stepping down on to the steps was like putting your foot into a cool pool of water, as I got further down I felt the need to hold my breath as if I actually was going underwater! The small room was beautiful, sheep skin rugs littered the floor and small wooden benches surrounded us. There was a small stone alter in the centre of the room with a humble wooden cross on top of it, a tiny window near the ceiling looked out onto the floor of the gardens.  Here we journeyed to the underworld to heal the wounded feminine and reclaim her unwounded self back into our lives, healed and whole, and full of grace.  There I found a small girl, dirty cheeks and scruffy hair with big beautiful brown eyes looking up at me, as soon as she saw me she jumped up and flung her arms around me as if she knew me, I held her and told her I was her to bring her home, I got a sense that she witnessed some great terror; abuse, rape, tourcher, fire...so many screams.....she fled before something happened to her.  She was so happy, playing with anything she found on the floor, she looked at the world with wonder and awe as if seeing it for the first time, though I knew she was far older than the mountains. She brought with her a small Raggedy Ann doll with a feather tucked into its belt at the back, and a large white owl flew with us. I do not know what the doll was for or what it represented, but I know she is happy playing with it still.

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