Thursday, 20 January 2011

Celebrating the Divine Masculine

We spent a lot of time talking and thinking, synaptic pathways were firing in my brain in all directions, we spoke of the Mayan prophecies, I wasn’t very interested in the Mayan calendar before now, but I am fascinated by it! It compels me to look to it for inspiration for my day, even now I have a Mayan Calendar App for my Iphone!  This truly is the day of the Wisdomkeepers!
During the discussion I felt energy pouring through me, I felt like I was being informed from a higher source, it was so strange, I was listening to the talk all about the calendar, but at the same time I felt more information was actually given to me than was being said, I actually felt that I was thinking multidimensionally, I was thinking about the universe, the human body, physics, spirituality, chemistry, prophecies and the Mayan calendar all at the same time! I am still in the process of mulching this information down, to be honest most of it has disappeared into the recesses of my mind….Hidden in the Upperworld I expect?
What I took from the discussions was that the calendar is not a calendar of linear time as we know it, though it does mark events in our past present and future.  It is a map of the evolution of consciousness.  From where we have been to where  we are going, time is more of a spiral, events come around again and yet are the same event, we are currently fighting in the Iraq war, this war is the same war of the first and second world war, the same war as all other wars going on in different times and places in history, there was only ever one war, repeated over and over in our consciousness; and therefore what we see and believe we become conscious of, and whatever we are conscious of becomes reality.
There are nine evolutionary steps in our consciousness, these steps are called the Xibalba, they are levels of consciousness, the American Indigenous call them the galactic underworlds..The first one started before the big bang…..We are about to enter into the last Xibalba on the 9th of March 2011, this level is the shortest; it ends on the 28th of October 2011. The end of time as we know it. As we know it. Not the end of time, humanity and a total global extinction of our species, full stop.. we are about to enter it to the ninth and we are due our ninth polar shift.. Interesting…like babies in a womb our souls is being gestated ready to be born into the real world of light.
The Wisdomkeeper rite was very peaceful.  We journeyed to a mountain top, where I saw a wise old man sitting by a fire; his eyes were like liquid fire and ice. Altonesayoc, this rite joins us to the lineage of the Wisdomkeepers, Daykeepers who have stepped outside of time and have risen to such a level of enlightenment that they are no longer tied to the laws of death or time.
The sensation I felt during this rite was very peaceful and calm, so quiet.  I felt alone, like this journey I am on is full of people, loved ones, friends old and new, yet ultimately this is a solitary path.
After all the talk of the Mayan calendars and the thought rushing around my head, I felt like I had peace of mind, and I was with holding this information, Information I did not really know my self, I held it until the time was right to share it. Later on that evening we went on a journey, like no other.

1 comment:

  1. I was the same about the Mayan Calendar, not very interested, and I was going to stay in bed as I was tired from all the hard work we'd been doing! (Great work though!). I'm glad I went, Alex is so excellent at talking about all of this, and I became very interested in it too. The theory of the evolution of consciousness, at at time when more and more individuals seem to be learning so much, from eachother, and themselves resonated with me : )
