Monday, 24 January 2011

Dancing with Angels

The Earthkeeper rites were divine! Before, I thought this rite was all about the animals and trees, about a being caretaker of the earth in a humble and sacred way, in fact this rite was to awaken the sacred within us, We join to the lineage of Angels, or we remember who we really are, Angels. 
We first went on a journey...Stepping first into Daykeeper mode, we journeyed to the great plains and the sacred places, I found myself in Stonehenge walking through the huge stones, a light shone in my eyes and I found myself walking up a mountain stream, as I got to the top of the mountain I stepped into Wisdomkeeper mode, and called the presence of the Earthkeepers, as I held my arms up to heaven I saw angels all around me…lights of every colour emanated from them, gold, violet, magenta, I felt myself lift off the ground up into the star filled sky...higher and higher I went until I looked back and saw our beautiful planet floating quietly through space….I looked around and saw all around me were more angels, wings out and arms open as if holding each one of us, all around the globe were angels, thousands of them all looking at the earth in the same position.  I opened up my arms and stood in space with them, just holding sacred space.  It felt beautiful. No other words can express it, pure beauty.  After I came back down to earth we received the rites.  I felt like I had been given my wings, now I can really fly!  I sensed the eagle within me raring to go.  As I was receiving this rite I received images of great luminous beings cradling the earth, but not only the earth, even bigger ones were holding the galaxy and some were holding the entire universe! I experienced universal love, I had read about "universal love" in esoteric books, but reading and experiencing it are two very different things! 
What I got from the rites was that we are all taken care of, we have nothing to fear, and no reason to worry about the future or the past, we are definitely not alone! There is and always has been someone by your side, and there always will be a guiding angel watching out for you and holding everything that you are. 
Having this rite has left me feeling that I have a great responsibility to life, one where I need courage and integrity. Something I will be asking for when I journey up the mountain to speak to Great Spirit.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Celebrating the Divine Masculine

We spent a lot of time talking and thinking, synaptic pathways were firing in my brain in all directions, we spoke of the Mayan prophecies, I wasn’t very interested in the Mayan calendar before now, but I am fascinated by it! It compels me to look to it for inspiration for my day, even now I have a Mayan Calendar App for my Iphone!  This truly is the day of the Wisdomkeepers!
During the discussion I felt energy pouring through me, I felt like I was being informed from a higher source, it was so strange, I was listening to the talk all about the calendar, but at the same time I felt more information was actually given to me than was being said, I actually felt that I was thinking multidimensionally, I was thinking about the universe, the human body, physics, spirituality, chemistry, prophecies and the Mayan calendar all at the same time! I am still in the process of mulching this information down, to be honest most of it has disappeared into the recesses of my mind….Hidden in the Upperworld I expect?
What I took from the discussions was that the calendar is not a calendar of linear time as we know it, though it does mark events in our past present and future.  It is a map of the evolution of consciousness.  From where we have been to where  we are going, time is more of a spiral, events come around again and yet are the same event, we are currently fighting in the Iraq war, this war is the same war of the first and second world war, the same war as all other wars going on in different times and places in history, there was only ever one war, repeated over and over in our consciousness; and therefore what we see and believe we become conscious of, and whatever we are conscious of becomes reality.
There are nine evolutionary steps in our consciousness, these steps are called the Xibalba, they are levels of consciousness, the American Indigenous call them the galactic underworlds..The first one started before the big bang…..We are about to enter into the last Xibalba on the 9th of March 2011, this level is the shortest; it ends on the 28th of October 2011. The end of time as we know it. As we know it. Not the end of time, humanity and a total global extinction of our species, full stop.. we are about to enter it to the ninth and we are due our ninth polar shift.. Interesting…like babies in a womb our souls is being gestated ready to be born into the real world of light.
The Wisdomkeeper rite was very peaceful.  We journeyed to a mountain top, where I saw a wise old man sitting by a fire; his eyes were like liquid fire and ice. Altonesayoc, this rite joins us to the lineage of the Wisdomkeepers, Daykeepers who have stepped outside of time and have risen to such a level of enlightenment that they are no longer tied to the laws of death or time.
The sensation I felt during this rite was very peaceful and calm, so quiet.  I felt alone, like this journey I am on is full of people, loved ones, friends old and new, yet ultimately this is a solitary path.
After all the talk of the Mayan calendars and the thought rushing around my head, I felt like I had peace of mind, and I was with holding this information, Information I did not really know my self, I held it until the time was right to share it. Later on that evening we went on a journey, like no other.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The Cave..My Re-Birth

One evening we were to visit a cave.
We were told that there would be gatekeepers there and payment for entrance will be a candle from each of us.  Dressed up in my waterproofs and wellies we walked a long quiet and dark walk to the cave.  Outside the cave stood two witchy looking characters, feeling a little apprehensive but full of joy and humour we stood outside...we were about to enter into the womb/tomb of the goddess, under the hill of the ancient Torr was the entrance to the underworld, many had been seen entering into this domain.  As we enter into this place we leave who we think we are behind, we die to this world, and once we come out, we will be reborn into a new life.
Looking back I wish I said goodbye to the world I used to know.

We gave our gifts to the strangers stood outside and entered the cave.
Hearne’s alter was on the right, marking the doorway to the underworld, Bree’s alter was on the left, a huge dark circular pool was in the centre with a backdrop of pure blackness, to the left at the back was a deep pool of inky water, bone crushingly cold. This was the alter to the Black Madonna.  
Mesmerised by the beauty and darkness of the place, I heard the gentle singing of “amazing grace” filling the silence...I felt drawn the see the alter of Hearne, candles, animal skulls and dried flowers covered with the dust of prayers littered a stone slab, and a beautiful portrait of Hearne himself stood proudly above it. The doorway to the underworld had been carefully chalked into the side of the cave wall, I sat down in front of the alter on a tiny wooden log, and prayed to him, after a few moment I noticed a tear fall down my cheek, I was shocked as I didn't feel sad or overcome, then suddenly more tears started to flow, I wiped them away confused an embarrassed, then like a flood gate my emotions poured out so fast I couldn’t control them, quietly sobbing my eyes out, I felt that all these tears were everybody’s tears, everyone who had ever felt alone, anyone who had ever felt unloved, anyone who suffered loss, I was crying their tears, the tears of the Mother....then memories from my past came out, old stories, old faces, I felt genuine sorrow for all the times I wished harm to another, and all the times I wished harm against myself. Like a garden of black weeds, I felt every one had been pulled out in the presence of the Lord of the underworld. I prayed and sobbed, and told of my sorrow.
I walked towards the singing, and saw all of my friends undressing! Uh oh! Now what! We sang together while individually people went into the pool of the Black Madonna, to be baptised into the new world.  I thought, “Absolutely no, no way! It’s freezing!” I saw people getting fully naked! I thought "gosh, so proud of them..but No No No!! Not for me!.....why are my legs burning so much?....Wow, I'm so hot!”
 “Ok, I will go in, but only up to my ankles” I took my waterproofs off, raincoat, wellies, socks, and I got in up to my thighs! But once I was in I wished I went in further, the water that could crack bone suddenly felt like a hot bath! I felt a deep warmth, that lasted for days.

We all sat around the large pool, singing songs about the prayers our ancestor made for us, at that time my Aunty was very ill, we were all to shout out a name of a relation to sing about, I wanted to say “My Aunty!” but my voice was locked, but in between singing and sobbing someone said it for me...After we sang we toned...we picked a tone and we sang it....I tried as hard as I could to keep it up and for the best part of it, I did.  This was when the rites of the Kawak started to awaken, my vision became a little cloudy, the water started to move and vibrate, as if snakes were swiming around in it, I sensed other beings around us, I felt the presence of ancient souls walking towards the gateway to the underworld, I tried to see them but they were just outside my vision, but I could almost see them in the reflection of the water, as we toned I felt that we raised our vibrations to such a level if anyone was to walk in to the cave off the street, we would not be seen.  As we went higher the souls seemed to notice us, and they started to gather around us, they lifted their heads towards the sky and sang with us, but this is not the most amazing thing... I could hear them too...angels singing with us! more tears!!
I looked at everyone around me and I could not see them properly, as I stared at the people standing next to me all I could see was their energy, a silhouette of coiling pulsating the back of the pool in the darkness seemed to move, images floated past in the waters.....then I actually saw orbs, thousands of them, like snow floating around, like the orbs you see in digital photos....I looked to see our teacher, and all I could see was a whirlwind of energy, a mass of static electricity.....”Am I in the Matrix?!”
I felt the energy fall, to what was normal for Glastonbury, my emotions were controlled, and we walked around the cave, I felt drawn to the chapel of Bree, in front of the portrait of her with full fire in her belly, I sat and prayed to her that she filled me with her flame, that I too carried the flame within my belly.
As we left the cave we sang “Welcome” to each other.....I left feeling “Wow! Look at this wonderful new world! Where am I!?” I was so excited to be out into this world, I felt renewed...I felt re born.

Awakening the Divine Feminine

After a very deep sleep my second day started at seven in the morning for breathing exercises, I am not talking about gentle breathing in and out, we are talking jet powered celestial rapid breathing! At that time in the morning I can barely open my eyes let alone breathe fire! They should re name it dragon breathing! As difficult as it was, the following few days became a lot easier until it became natural.  It links us to the earth, the mountains, the sun, heaven and the stars, what a beautiful way to wake up!
This day was all about the divine feminine.  We had a wonderful visit to Europe’s only temple of the goddess, a beautiful temple in the centre of Glastonbury town, many tears were shed here, a very quiet, moving and beautiful place, I dedicated my life to the service of the divine mother, here, in front of this beautiful altar.
I was looking forward to the Daykeepers rite the most, The Pampamesoyoc, we were to join to the lineage of healers and alter builders, keepers of the sacred places, they were the first “Ones who serve the Mother” erecting stone circles all over the world in her honour.
They are the doorways and the gatekeepers of the otherworlds, joining with them means we are now a part of this, we can step into the spirit of Daykeeper when we want, and hold sacred space...or hold space in the sacred…..we can call spirit to us. All the places I have dreamed of, Stonehenge, Giza, Machu Picchu all these alters are what the Daykeepers built, (and yes, now being a part of this lineage, I suppose I helped create them too!)  When I received the rites of the Daykeepers, I felt a familiar sense of being around old friends and family members, I sensed a whole troop of beautiful people, men and woman of all kinds, healers, shamans, witch doctors, medicine men and woman of all nationalities and races.  It felt friendly, welcoming, I felt like celebrating and singing!  Joy! Joy! Joy!
Time and space is very illusive in Glastonbury, so some of my memories my not have happened in the timeframe I remember them, but stepping outside of time means ignoring normal timeframes, It’s an odd sensation, like living in a dream world where the unusual and the abnormal are the usual and the normal.
Later on that day we crept deep into a dark womb like chapel deep under the house we were staying at, we stopped at the top of the stairs waiting to go down, and you could almost see a skin like surface, like the skin on top of water, stepping down on to the steps was like putting your foot into a cool pool of water, as I got further down I felt the need to hold my breath as if I actually was going underwater! The small room was beautiful, sheep skin rugs littered the floor and small wooden benches surrounded us. There was a small stone alter in the centre of the room with a humble wooden cross on top of it, a tiny window near the ceiling looked out onto the floor of the gardens.  Here we journeyed to the underworld to heal the wounded feminine and reclaim her unwounded self back into our lives, healed and whole, and full of grace.  There I found a small girl, dirty cheeks and scruffy hair with big beautiful brown eyes looking up at me, as soon as she saw me she jumped up and flung her arms around me as if she knew me, I held her and told her I was her to bring her home, I got a sense that she witnessed some great terror; abuse, rape, tourcher, many screams.....she fled before something happened to her.  She was so happy, playing with anything she found on the floor, she looked at the world with wonder and awe as if seeing it for the first time, though I knew she was far older than the mountains. She brought with her a small Raggedy Ann doll with a feather tucked into its belt at the back, and a large white owl flew with us. I do not know what the doll was for or what it represented, but I know she is happy playing with it still.