Thursday 18 August 2011

Unity Consciousness and our Responsibility

What does this mean? On the 9th March 2011 we entered into the last Xibalba, the ninth level of the Mayan calendar, this is not a calendar of time, but rather a map of consciousness.

This level of consciousness is the state of acknowledgement of a simple truth....That we are One.

One mind......One consciousness......One heart......One Spirit.

We are re-membering this fact, we are entering into a phase of life that we have never been before.
The unconscious is coming up to become conscious. Causing all sorts of havoc!
The upper conscious is coming down to become conscious, bringing with it new possibilities....
The underworld, upperworld and middleworld are coming together as one, unity.
What we believe becomes our reality.
We are co-creators of this universe.
Therefore what we believe, envision, share with the world.........will be will manifest itself.

So what do you bring to this world? What do you believe, say, post on facebook pages and twitter?
Is your wisdom easy to understand by all? Is it positive, inspiring, new, profound, different?

Or is it fear-full, a warning, a vision based on what may or may not happen in the future? Is it re-membering the past, believing it will somehow re-occur itself?

What we say and present to the world has a massive influence on those around us, those we connect with, everyone.....

If we all feared the same thing.......heeding all the you not think that just maybe what you fear will come true due to the fact so many people are believing it?

We need the Lightworkers and Wisdomkeepers, the Daykeepers and Earthkeepers and the Starkeepers of this world to share inspiring stories, profound heart warming wisdom, and a vision of a beautiful world.....share your passions and your joy.

We all know what could be, what may happen, we have all read the warnings of this and that, lets honour it and let them go. (If any of these big things actually happen, we have no control over them anyway...surely?)

Focussing on the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘maybe’s’ of these global catastrophy scenarios’ will only bring them to us, and in the end 'Unity consciousness' would be the very thing that became our demise.

We cannot afford now to be reckless with our thoughts and words.
We all hold great of the universe.....maybe it is time now to stand up & take responsibility?

Lets instead celebrate life; laugh, play, be silly and stupid and innocent...unload your wear souls of the burdens you chose to carry.........shed your past and your view of yourself....who else can you be?

Let’s bring joy to people’s lives, so the 'here and now' is a wonderful place to be!
Let’s bring heaven down to earth!

What would it be like to live in the Great Garden of Eden?

What would it be like to live as one of Heavens Children?

I leave you with my own joy.......

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