Wednesday 10 August 2011

.......So I followed the black rabbit down the deep dark hole in the ground,

Not knowing where it will lead, on my way down I saw comets flying towards me, solar flares bathing everything in the brightest of lights, I saw strange spirals in the night sky, and even stranger Beings leaving beautiful patterns in our crops....seeing these strange things I feel somehow drawn to them and fascinated..........
My Fourth Night there seemed chaotic, sad, a little depressing, what does all this mean?
Words rang in my ear;
“fear will draw itself to it....”
“What you believe will be...”
"Light will shine on all, and show All...”

The new Fifth Day dawned and I was glad...the day ruled by the Lord of Light? This must be a good time!?

But the light shined, and what was seen, cannot be unseen.....

Among the sights of joy, celebration and inspiring stories of change and evolution I saw sadness, despair, rage, horror....riots, people starving, the suffering of children and animals everywhere, abuse, hurt, our beautiful garden covered in poison and concrete, baked earth, stripped forests, economies many tears.

What I did not Really See...I saw.

I saw our old consciousness decaying, and all the social, political and economic pillars, which we created, falling.

Our relationships with these things seemed to reflect our inner turmoil.  We identify with these things, and seeing them fall and collapse causes us pain and suffering, which we then share with each other. 

Instead of being rooted in Spirit, Unity, the here and now....we are rooted to the fallen pillars.

 I felt fear. Rage at the world and all who defied her.

My heart became black....a void.....I wallowed in this feeling.............................

 And out of the dark, a tiny sparkle of light shined forth....In my knowing of this fear, this rage, feeling it fully, embracing it fully, I had held it tenderly....and it transformed into peace, and love.

 This great light shined through the darkest part of my soul, I embraced the sadness, the pain, I held the suffering, cradling it like a newborn child, holding it ready to transform, I am still holding it now, dreaming it into joy, love and peace.

 It is still the Fifth Day and I am returning from the deep dark hole in the ground which the dark rabbit took me, as I leave I touch the spirals in the sky with my fingertips, I wave to the Beings who just want to say hello, I toast marshmallows on the fires in the streets and chip ice from the comet for my drink, a drink I raise up in celebration to this wonderful day!

 Let’s celebrate together! Let’s dream!

 The moon is waxing, (full this Saturday on the 13th Aug) a day ruled by the Seeds, lets plant a seed of a new world of light, and dream a new world into being......

 And when the darkest of nights come (18th Aug-5th Sept) Lets shine bright together....

On the darkest of the darkest nights on the day of the new moon (29th Aug) Know in your heart that this evening is ruled by the Sun. 

Shine your inner lights as bright as you can!

More than you have even shined your lights before!

And allow the decay and destruction of the old and corrupt to happen, keep shining as this happens.....

Create spirals in your homes and gardens, and shine, wear your crystals, shine, drink pure waters, shine, eat fresh foods,  shine, pray, shine, create, shine, dream , shine, work on your internal world, shine.....shine......shine......

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