Thursday, 3 February 2011

A Celestial Message

One sunny afternoon we went on a spirit journey to the Upperworld.  W e sat outside under a huge evergreen tree, with eyes closed we sat or laid down under it waiting for our journey to begin.  Huge dragonflies came to great us each individually, giving its blessings that we may enter the Upperworld. 
My journey took high up into the world tree, up through its sap and into its branches higher and higher until I met with Patchakuti, the keeper of this realm.  The place was beautiful, an iridescent garden of colours, rainbows, crystal flowers and glass-like trees blowing in a shimmering wind…..WE spoke of meeting my celestial parents, the parents who created me, the soul me.  In the distance I saw two shimmering golden lights walking towards me, as they got closer they slowly morphed into images, two people, a masculine figure and feminine figure, though whether they were male and female I was not sure…they raised their arms around me encircling me in their light, I felt such warm affection, I didn’t know them but part of me knew that I did, and I knew it would be a beautiful reunion once I had passed over, again… they spoke to me in images and thoughts, showing me two streams of liquid, one crystalline one golden, they poured down and formed a double helix like a DNA strand, they explained to me that once upon a time we were given the other strand but kept it hidden and shrouded, and now is the time to uncover it and switch it on, we are part golden light and part crystalline beings…the image poured into a bubble of light and was given to me….
We all descended up a ladder to the higher planes….this place was golden, I could hardly see anything as all I could see was gold, and as we entered I saw many being there, like children all really excited to see us, all stepping on each other’s toes to get a better view! I walked over to a group of people and they circled around me I felt such affection and love as I had never experienced before. 
They gave me a message….We must all find our soul group, the group of being who you came down to earth with, not our “soul mate” our soul group…the crystalline energy will be switched on within us soon, it has always been in the plan, we need not worry about a thing, they are doing all the work for us…..we will all be illuminated, the choice is yours if you want to do it consciously or not…..we don’t have to do anything, we don’t have to be anything…Just exist….just be…while these simple beautiful messages were given to me, there were thousands of images flashing in my brain, information, science, chemistry, sciences that I do not know even exists in this world…so much information! Matrix downloads?!!
I brought back with me a crystal, which I hope to find in this world soon!  I said my goodbyes and went back down the ladder, I said my goodbyes to my celestial parents and to Patchakuti and back down the tree.
I awoke and watched to dragonflies buzzing around our heads and listened to the wind in the trees and basked in the slight of the sun…..we all congregated around in a circle to discuss what messages we received.  In life we are all a piece of the puzzle, we each hold that piece ready to share it, just like the Wisdomkeepers, and together we can the bigger picture…..the messages we all received were very similar, ‘just be’ ‘crystalline energy’ ‘Honey bee’ (the hexagonal shape is the shape of quartz crystals crystalline structure…) ‘gold’ ‘community spirit’ ‘how can we best serve?’ ‘Groups’ ‘gathering’ ‘be, who you are supposed to be’….The puzzle is starting to emerge.

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