Tuesday, 16 October 2012

One Giant Leap For humankind

I sat, one of eight million people who watched Austrian born Felix Baumgartner jump from a height of 128’100ft above New Mexico.  Felix was born on 20.04.1969 which in the Mayan calendar means ‘Muluk’. ‘Water’. Deep torrents of emotions, and mysterious undercurrents mix with playful adventure… that sounds like someone who would jump off a space shuttle! The day he jumped was 14.10.2012 the Mayan day sign of ‘Eb’. ‘Road’ which means community, future generation and taking a Giant Step… guess you could say he did that… As I have written before, the Mayan calendar is a map of consciousness,  split into nine levels of consciousness, we are currently at the end of the final level… ready to jump. What I find interesting is it took Felix 9 minutes to fall back down to earth. I watched as Felix went up, he was sat in a tiny specially made space shuttle attached to a giant helium balloon, I had images of Icarus rising towards the sun. As he went up I could sense the whole world in trepidation of the jump.  All people, the earth herself, the land, the trees… all waiting with baited breath, watching him climb higher.

What struck me as I watched the door fly open and Felix manoeuvre himself to the edge was how frightened I was feeling, I could barely watch! In an interview Felix said “On the step, I felt the whole world was watching. I wish they could see what I saw, it was amazing”

His skydive for me symbolises the jump we as evolving humans must all make, as we ascend to a higher frequency level of consciousness we are Now at that point where we veer nearer to the edge and take that step onto the platform, ready to jump.  The fear that we all felt as he looked over the edge of the platform is how we are all generally feeling in our day to day lives; fear, dread, terror, excitement, awe, wonder, humility...

Standing on the edge of the shuttle, Felix said “Sometimes you have to go up really high to realise how small you are”.  I know this feeling, I feel it... I re-member it in the dream. During spirit flight, during that moment of infinity you see how small and insignificant you are and yet how significant and precious we All are honoured and humble.

Just before he jumped Felix saluted to the Earth, it felt like a great honouring to watch this. An honour to the Earth Herself, to our brothers and sisters, to our ancestry... Col Kittinger, who with Red Bulls help, co-ordinated the space dive, said “Our guardian angel will take care of you”. What a wonderful gift to See the Earthkeepers around him, around us... as he stood on that platform he stood shoulder to shoulder with them, holding space for us, with his fellow Earthkeepers, the Angels of the Earth.

The whole world held its breath... the stillness of space mirrored the stillness on Earth as we watched him stand on the edge of the space shuttle. Infinity touched us all in that moment. Then with the greatest of ease and grace he took that courageous step into the unknown... towards home.  Nine minutes later he was home. He broke three world records, and no bones!

I believe this jump is a poignant symbol for us today, honouring and saluting where we have come from, not just our place of birth, but humanities story, our ancestry, our linage, saying thank you and letting it go. The time is NOW that we take that giant leap with courage in our hearts into the unknown, into who we are becoming... on the edge, our hearts will beat faster, beating together, we will feel scared and confused, we already are feeling those things... and excitement, and wonder.... we will each of us have as moment in our lives where we will find that infinite place.... a stillness inside where nothing makes sense and yet everything becomes so clear...and we jump...we may freefall for a moment in the ‘not knowing’ trust it. The world will reveal itself in time as we hurtle at the speed of sound! A sonic hand pulls us forward from our future so we can be informed by who we are becoming and Not by our pasts, our history, our DNA. When we land, we celebrate, and the world celebrates with us!

When we go to that place of infinity, during spirit flight or during a shamanic healing for example, often we come back with a message, a new map, When Felix came back from infinite space and landed he brought back with him a message

“Let me tell you. When I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble, you don’t think about breaking records anymore, you don’t think about gaining scientific data. The only thing you want is to come back alive!”

At this moment of human consciousness, we learn that nothing matters apart from Being, being Alive, Awake, living the life You chose, a life you deserve... destiny.

Take that jump...
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill,
Where the two worlds touch, the door is round and open,
Don’t go back to sleep...


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

My Journey to the North

My Journey has continued through the Wild West, where I faced my shadow parts and extracted old wounds and lost souls, and now I journey up to the North…..
I started my journey in the South with Great Serpent, Sachamama, through the vast swamps and great lakes of the world, while basking in the sun I learnt how to bring down the Sun to illuminate all of life, I was shown how to remove hucha, heavy energies, in the luminous energy field, allowing us to grow, shedding our past the way a serpent sheds her skin…in this process my wounds were opened up and transformed into three gifts….ecstatic laughter….non-judgment accepting life as it is….and the responsibility of healing my own heart first allowing life to be. 

On this journey I received new eyes to see…I received woven bands of power around me, like garments of elementals providing power and protection…I called back my lost archetypes, ancient and powerful allies within my luminous energy field; a serpent, a jaguar, a hummingbird, a condor…and three Archangels of the Inca people…Huascar Inca…Quetzelcoatl and Pachacuti Inca who now inform me and help me in my life and my practises…

As I said my goodbyes to Serpent I was greeted by a female Jaguar, Otorangol, she came over the rainbow bridge to take me to back with her to her lair where we went back through time, looking through a pool of remembrance, to bare witness to our past lives, enabling us to learn and to heal….I met with my ancestors, who gave me three gifts; the permission to smile, sing and dance…contentment with what is, and peace in my garden…and shine, shining and sharing my talents…..

I travelled through the dark wet tangled forests to meet with the Jaguar people who taught me about spirits and discarnate souls who inhabit the places they shouldn’t, inside us!  I was taught to send them home, and the process of extracting weapons and objects that have festered within us over years, decades even lifetimes, allowing our energy to move, our rivers too become clear once again….On the lowland plains I was greeted by the tribe of the Pampamesayoc, those who built and are the caretakers and gatekeepers of the sacred places.  They welcomed me as their brother and tied me to their tribe….I am now Pampamesayoc, a keeper of the plains and sacred sites….

Jaguar took us back through the chaotic tangled web of life unhooking me along the way, back over the rainbow bridge…to the foot of a beautiful mountain….the North….Apu Ausangate…Hummingbirds greeted me here, Siwakenti Royal Hummingbird…I went upward through the mountains, a solitary journey to take a stand in who I am..My authentic self…..from this high place I could see my life through the eyes of the mythic, from this place I learnt to journey deep in the underworld to reclaim my graces and lost soul parts, missing pieces of myself I have longed for, for eons of time, I reclaimed my ‘elfin’ self, a luminous being of great strength and grace…I found my ‘young prince’ a being of dignity elegance and mature youthfulness….I received my ‘Hunter’ self, the man I am supposed to be, hunter, warrior, provider, and the part of me that is energetic yet  still and graceful, with them came creatures of great power and tools and gifts of wonder and inspiration for me to use.
I journeyed still, higher and higher until I reached the outer atmosphere and journeyed still to the dark and stormy land of the stone people….and met with my Kuyas, and received four more stones….I ventured still until I reached the forest that never was and the plant kingdom…..further on  I reached the land of our ancestors and spoke with the Whales and Orca…..further still to that golden place where dreams are formed, to greet my mother and father of the celestial places, those who birthed my soul into being….and I spoke to our children, the children of the future…..

Amongst the mountains I met an Altomesayoc. A keeper of the high plains, a keeper of secrets...in solitude around a quiet and beautiful fire, I was told a great and powerful secret…I gave my word that I would keep this secret until the time was right to share it, and to keep it still…in sharing this secret with me I was joined to the lineage of the Altomesayoc, Wisdomkeeper.

I stepped into my Shamanhood on this journey….sharing with others my wisdom….My head held high, I spoke my truth…holding sacred space for others…stepping outside of time into infinity, to bring back grace…My new stones contain powerful yet, still illusive to me, medicines…..mastery of time….keeper of secrets…invisibility…lineage of the first peoples….I still need to build my relationship with these…a fire will be created for each…

As I go back down the mountain my Mesa full and pulsing, hummingbirds fluttering and buzzing around…I unhook myself from my place of origin in this life…..free now as a hummingbird I settle, ready to journey on……..

Sunday, 18 March 2012

So....What is Shamanism?

Many people ask me “What is a shaman?” or “What is Shamanism?”
A Shaman is a type of priest, a healer, a psychiatrist, they were the first medicine people…they are a conduits between heaven and earth, walkers between the worlds….one foot in the here and now with all its beauty and pain….and one foot in the otherworld, a world of potential, of grace, of spirit, of energy.
A shaman sees the world with different eyes.
We can only see a tiny fraction of the light available to us, all the colours we can see, all the lights and images we know is miniscule compaired to what Is.  Just look at this picture below…

98% of our DNA, scientists claim, is just ‘Junk’
99.9999999% of all solid matter is empty space.
1% of this world we live in is solid matter, its heavy, present, full of joy, pleasure, pain and suffering.
99% of life here is energetic, space, spirit, light…A shaman works in this 99% world, affecting the 1% world we live in.
 The 99% of our body is energy, light, luminous energy, this is what the shaman works with.

Everything you see in front of you is a result of your thoughts and beliefs, everything you can see, feel, touch, smell, taste, is a dream You created, therefore all of the events you see, the life circumstances your experience, and the people in your life who push your buttons are a part of your inner landscape… So if your landscape is full of scare-city, pain, suffering, grief, then that is what you will see, experience and know….but if you heal these wounds within you….you will know the gifts inside them, instead you will experience abundance, pleasure, joy, happiness…...
During my training on the medicine wheel to become a shaman of the Inca tradition, I got to meet my ancestors, they were called through us to speak to us, I met an ancestor who lived in the early 1900s in New York, called Kenny, he was a fun loving kinda guy, an entrepreneur, dreamer, no one took him seriously, he turned to drink and gambling and eventually died of a heart attack..he said he felt like he was one of life’s losers…when we said goodbye he left me a gift “keep shining your gifts, your talents....and keep em laughing, people need to laugh, even if they think they don’t…”
During my interview process, to start my healing journey, I said I felt like a loser.
I felt didn’t seem to be getting anywhere in life, each time I tried to do something I seemed to sabotage it. I started to cry tears of grief, sadness and anger, where did all this come from?  I was tested to see if I had an  entity within my luminous energy feild, I tested positive. You see spirits can live within your luminous energy field, they feel just like your own energy so you wouldn’t know it was there, living through you…the entity was Kenny.  We were connected because we both felt like losers, that was the hook, together we attracted situations in our life that made us feel like losers, opportunities would slip through our fingers, fear would grasp us…..he was honoured, thanked and sent on his way home.
During the illumination process lots of hucha came out, thick dark smog, my luminous energy field was opened up and crystallised energy that became stuck was extracted, this blocked my own energy flow, heavy lumps over my chest and throat were removed, the hook, the 'Loser' part of me was removed….then light was poured all through me, filling up all the gaps that were left in its place, I felt peaceful, still, sacred, I reached infinity.

My fight or flight pattern was switched off allowing me to rest in peace.
When I came back into the room I felt silly, I laughed a little, I brought back joy and something else….”Who cares?!” “Who cares if I’m a loser!?” ha! I laughed more, I felt free, I felt love…I raised up my arms…”SO WHAT!?” I laughed out more..”SO WHAT?!”…“So what?!” I felt free to be me.  I feel that if I fall or fail, I can laugh and get back up and carry on with joy in my heart!
Shamanic healing is a transformational tool, a blessing, a gift, its like coming home, its like finding your family, its like falling in love....to experience it you must be ready to give all of yourself, to open up fully and embrace all of who you are, the good and the bad….Miracles do happen, it’s totally up to you if you want them to......
So shamanism?….its miracle making…