There is electricity in the air……like a youth’s first kiss, our hearts are a flutter with excitement of what’s to come. Some people may be feeling fear, nervousness, apprehension; this is quite normal and understandable.
There is so much noise…noise from consumerism, noise from the media, news, documentaries….noise from the spidery web of YouTube and Facebook, noise in our heads, noise in our words…conspiracies are rife on what will be……”The end of the world as we know it” Elenin, Nibiru, Planet X, red dwarf stars, Blue star Kachina….are the Hopi prophecies about to come true? The list goes on……earthquakes, tsunamis, solar flares, solar storms, are we about to be thrown into 3 days of darkness? And then into the Stone Age with no electricity? Planet flips and polar shifts, the earth is turning right way up, what does this mean for us? Aliens, multidimensional beings, angels, whoever they are they are due for a comeback, who are they? Where will they come from? Are they coming to enslave us and steal our gold like pirates in the night sky? Or are they benign friendly beings, coming at humanities most poignant time in history to help us repair our planet and teach us to live in harmony with each other? To teach us new technologies and sciences?
We are expected to free ourselves of earthly bonds, abandon the eating of meat and dairy, NO GM FOODS! No to Nuclear power! Recycle! Recycle! Recycle! Pull all our money out of the claws of our friendly banks….Then there is the spiritual side of these changes, we are to become enlightened….ascend…where too?
“We should all be able to see spirit now, glowing orbs and fairy lights….what do you mean you can’t? What’s wrong with you? Clearly you are not enlightened….If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!....”
Apparently we are asleep, some are awake, and claim to know all your secrets….maybe we are just dozing? Enjoying the lay in before a busy day ahead?
There are more people on this earth than at any other time in our human history. We are at a climactic point in our beautiful history, on the brink of something extraordinary, somewhere we have never been before, how could we possibly know what is to happen now? If you follow the Mayan calendar you will know we are at the end of a calendar that spans back to the big bang, a crescendo of energy and time is bouncing back to us, a wave of energy from the beginning of time is pulling back, like a giant elastic band and flipping back to us, transforming everything in its path to the next level of evolution, every spark of light, every molecule, every atom, every cell, every strand of DNA, every soul, even the spirits and ascended ones…..
We are on the brink of something beautiful, profoundly illuminating.
We are all in this together.
No one is excluded, through choice or through decision, unified we are about to step into the unknown, off the edge of glory.
The River of Change has caught everyone in its watery waves… one has been left out. The Great River…..a river of time….14 billion years of energy is behind us excelling us forward into evolution….the power of Great spirit Unified.
We have rode the waves, been knocked on the rapids and rocks….each of us is learning to push off to the centre of the river, to float along the current with the waves over the rapids, feet first into the new, looking for who is in the river with you, laughing and celebrating this time.
Some are still trying to carry who they think they are, slowly going under the water, chocking and spluttering…some are still trying to swim away from the future and uncertainty, exhaustion setting in from swimming against the current, clinging desperately to whatever or whoever is in the water with them….some are still clinging to the side, fingers torn and arms aching unable to step into life….some are even swimming with the current, getting to the future quicker, but missing who is in the water with them, unable to see where they are going….
All of us will get to he end of the river….What happens to someone actually falling over the edge of a waterfall? Excitement? Fear? Terror? Then you are unable to see, chaos, deafening noise, then as you enter the pool below… silence…..calm, then you find yourself in another river, calmly bobbing about, exhilarated from the ride, listening to the birds singing and the lapping of the river gently taking you home, the thunder of the waterfall behind you.
This great River of Time will fall over the edge into timelessness, into the calm, the peace, the harmony, into the river of life.
A new world awaits us, it doesn’t matter what is going to happen, what matters is who you are with, how many hearts have you touched? How many souls have you made feel whole and beautiful? How many children have you encouraged? How many elders have you stopped and listened to? How many sick or wounded have you held in your heart safe and healed?
We do not Need to do anything, or be anything, we do not have to buy or collect or own anything to be able to be a part of this.
Spirit has told me…….
“We are all awakening, we are all evolving, we are all remembering who we are, we had forgotten, now we are remembering……..Be…..Just be…….we are taking care of you, holding you and all that you are…..”
I know this to be my truth……We are on the edge of glory.
“I’m gonna run right to, to the edge with you, where we can both fall over in love, I’m on the edge of glory….and I’m hanging on a moment with you…..” Lady GaGa - Edge of Glory