Monday, 29 August 2011

The Lake

Once upon a timeless time, there was a beautiful clear lake.  For all of time birds and animals have bathed and drank from its banks, children have played and dived into its depths, mothers have washed the family’s clothes and washed themselves during their moon time.  There are so many stories about this lake, strange creatures that may have lived in it, Gods who have stepped into it or drank from its cool depths…..mermaids, pirates, unicorns……Children still swim there and babies are still washed there. The village was going through a difficult time, a twisting and turning of life…Kings became slaves, barbarians became rulers, lovers fought, children acted like adults while adults acted like children, the medicine people worked in the mines and the fields…..The world was upside-down.
During one particularly dark night, the earth shook to its core….Storms ravaged the skies, and water spilled everywhere.  As the dawn began to break there was calm for a while, and as the sun broke over the mountains early in the morning a small child stuck his little nose out of the door, and took a peak out.  He stepped outside and took a deep breath in, he walked gently down to the lake, his eyes were still half shut from sleep as he screwed his eyes up with his hands, he scooped up some water and took a sip, then stopped, and stared deep into the clear depths of the lake.

The morning carried on, people tidied up the mess of the night, people yawning, washing, scratching, eating…The boys mum look up to see where her son had got too, she walked towards him sat by the lake and asked what he was doing…he said ”look mama” and pointed to the lake, she peered into the deep water and tears filled her eyes as she gazed, her heart swam in the deep lake.
More people came over to see what they were looking at and all of them stopped and stared at the scene before them with wonder and awe.  By mid morning, everyone in the village was looking into the lake, by mid day all of the neighbouring villages were staring longingly into the lake, all smiling, some laughing, tears rolling down some of the others cheeks, a beautiful glow came about..Like the glow of a woman with child…
Behind them stood dark shadowy figures, consumed with anger and fear, strong and powerful souls who lost their light a long time ago.  A small girl turned around to see who was standing there and not looking at the prettiness before her, she saw a shadowy figure lurking behind her, she knew who he was, he took from her something no one should ever take.  She stood for a moment….Thought for a minute, then walked towards him….”come on” she said quietly, “It’s ok now, come and look” the shadowy figure shuffled his feet, looking very awkward he took a step forward…gingerly he walked towards the lake with the little girl, grief filled his heart and he began to cry, he didn't think his heart could bare it anymore, filled with anger despair, sadness, and the light and innocence of the little girl he stole from…his was took a long time ago too…as he reached the lake he looked around him, all around the lake people were crying, holding each other, smiling, they looked beautiful!
He looked down, his eyes blinded by the tears burning his eyes, he wiped them with the back of his sleeve and looked into the lake…his eyes widened, breath caught in his throat….and he glowed.
More shadowy figures came to see what was happening…a widower turned around to see who was behind her and a sudden recognition of one of the young girls hit her…she lost her husband to a violent mugging that went terribly wrong….part of the widow wanted to push her away and scream and shout...WHY!! She looked back to the lake….then back to the girl…..”You stole time with my husband away from me, something I will never get back……..but now is the time to forgive…….come…” she stepped aside and let the girl in….her heart was pounding, she had often seen the woman about the village, and always she hide in the shadows away from the guilt…she looked into the water and fell to her knees…she searched frantically for something in the water, then she saw him…and she smiled, she stood up and put her arm around the widow and they cried together.
By the late afternoon, nearly the whole world was looking into the waters
A glow was noticed, from behind them, some people started to shuffle and turn around, from the mountain tops came a troop of glowing people! These Elders had been living in these mountains for over 500 of them stepped forward and walked in-between the people, as they moved aside to let the elder in he stopped, he looked at the man next to him, saw the dried tears on his cheeks, then looked knowingly into the lake, “oh.....I see...” he said, and stepped back, and calmly walked back to his group.......
The elders spoke;

”What you are looking at is a vision of our world that we have been holding for you....”

“A world of great wisdom and grace, where all people live in harmony with each other and the rest of creation, and all of Great Spirit’s creatures.  A world of love and joy....a world where we take care of the Great Mother as we live in peace on her belly”

“It has been said that there will be a time when everybody will be able to see this vision, and hold it for themselves......that time has come”

“We ask that each of you look deep into the lake and watch your own vision manifest, dream, visualize....then kneel down and drink some of the water, let it permeate your body, let it be a part of you, let it manifest in your life”

An ancient and sacred tree lived near the lake, children called it the Tree House, the elders called it The Tree of Life.  Deep within its roots a rumble emerged....deep within its cracks a light shone....there was a deep earthly sigh and out stepped a foot, then a leg, then a body...”Look!” shouted a small boy.....a figure dressed in dark clothes and furs stood shielding his eyes from the evening sky, black feathers hung around his shoulders and back, he jumped up on a huge boulder and spoke...

There was a wave of murmurs in the crowd.

“I am the keeper of the Underworld” his voice was of gravel and soil..Rough like the earth itself....

"I come bearing news from my kingdom, there is chaos.....there is pain.....there is fear....we are all moving into the vision you see before you...a great light....a light so bright we have never seen before, the darkest hour is before dawn, and as we move closer to the light, the shadows become darker and so we are a part of this chaos....We need to hold the visions the elders spoke of, the shadow will get darker, but it will also shrink! and soon it will be gone, and end to chaos...hold your vision and bare witness to the receding of the shadow”

“Hold every moment in your life as sacred....let love be your ritual....let nature be your teacher...listen to your children and your elders...and shine as bright as the sun”

And with his last words echoing in the air, the last beams of the setting sun shone down, temporarily blinding the people, when the people could see once more the elders and the strange exotic man were gone.
The people turned back to the lake...held their visions....scooped up water to drink....and got on with their lives...carrying their light within them.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Unity Consciousness and our Responsibility

What does this mean? On the 9th March 2011 we entered into the last Xibalba, the ninth level of the Mayan calendar, this is not a calendar of time, but rather a map of consciousness.

This level of consciousness is the state of acknowledgement of a simple truth....That we are One.

One mind......One consciousness......One heart......One Spirit.

We are re-membering this fact, we are entering into a phase of life that we have never been before.
The unconscious is coming up to become conscious. Causing all sorts of havoc!
The upper conscious is coming down to become conscious, bringing with it new possibilities....
The underworld, upperworld and middleworld are coming together as one, unity.
What we believe becomes our reality.
We are co-creators of this universe.
Therefore what we believe, envision, share with the world.........will be will manifest itself.

So what do you bring to this world? What do you believe, say, post on facebook pages and twitter?
Is your wisdom easy to understand by all? Is it positive, inspiring, new, profound, different?

Or is it fear-full, a warning, a vision based on what may or may not happen in the future? Is it re-membering the past, believing it will somehow re-occur itself?

What we say and present to the world has a massive influence on those around us, those we connect with, everyone.....

If we all feared the same thing.......heeding all the you not think that just maybe what you fear will come true due to the fact so many people are believing it?

We need the Lightworkers and Wisdomkeepers, the Daykeepers and Earthkeepers and the Starkeepers of this world to share inspiring stories, profound heart warming wisdom, and a vision of a beautiful world.....share your passions and your joy.

We all know what could be, what may happen, we have all read the warnings of this and that, lets honour it and let them go. (If any of these big things actually happen, we have no control over them anyway...surely?)

Focussing on the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘maybe’s’ of these global catastrophy scenarios’ will only bring them to us, and in the end 'Unity consciousness' would be the very thing that became our demise.

We cannot afford now to be reckless with our thoughts and words.
We all hold great of the universe.....maybe it is time now to stand up & take responsibility?

Lets instead celebrate life; laugh, play, be silly and stupid and innocent...unload your wear souls of the burdens you chose to carry.........shed your past and your view of yourself....who else can you be?

Let’s bring joy to people’s lives, so the 'here and now' is a wonderful place to be!
Let’s bring heaven down to earth!

What would it be like to live in the Great Garden of Eden?

What would it be like to live as one of Heavens Children?

I leave you with my own joy.......

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

.......So I followed the black rabbit down the deep dark hole in the ground,

Not knowing where it will lead, on my way down I saw comets flying towards me, solar flares bathing everything in the brightest of lights, I saw strange spirals in the night sky, and even stranger Beings leaving beautiful patterns in our crops....seeing these strange things I feel somehow drawn to them and fascinated..........
My Fourth Night there seemed chaotic, sad, a little depressing, what does all this mean?
Words rang in my ear;
“fear will draw itself to it....”
“What you believe will be...”
"Light will shine on all, and show All...”

The new Fifth Day dawned and I was glad...the day ruled by the Lord of Light? This must be a good time!?

But the light shined, and what was seen, cannot be unseen.....

Among the sights of joy, celebration and inspiring stories of change and evolution I saw sadness, despair, rage, horror....riots, people starving, the suffering of children and animals everywhere, abuse, hurt, our beautiful garden covered in poison and concrete, baked earth, stripped forests, economies many tears.

What I did not Really See...I saw.

I saw our old consciousness decaying, and all the social, political and economic pillars, which we created, falling.

Our relationships with these things seemed to reflect our inner turmoil.  We identify with these things, and seeing them fall and collapse causes us pain and suffering, which we then share with each other. 

Instead of being rooted in Spirit, Unity, the here and now....we are rooted to the fallen pillars.

 I felt fear. Rage at the world and all who defied her.

My heart became black....a void.....I wallowed in this feeling.............................

 And out of the dark, a tiny sparkle of light shined forth....In my knowing of this fear, this rage, feeling it fully, embracing it fully, I had held it tenderly....and it transformed into peace, and love.

 This great light shined through the darkest part of my soul, I embraced the sadness, the pain, I held the suffering, cradling it like a newborn child, holding it ready to transform, I am still holding it now, dreaming it into joy, love and peace.

 It is still the Fifth Day and I am returning from the deep dark hole in the ground which the dark rabbit took me, as I leave I touch the spirals in the sky with my fingertips, I wave to the Beings who just want to say hello, I toast marshmallows on the fires in the streets and chip ice from the comet for my drink, a drink I raise up in celebration to this wonderful day!

 Let’s celebrate together! Let’s dream!

 The moon is waxing, (full this Saturday on the 13th Aug) a day ruled by the Seeds, lets plant a seed of a new world of light, and dream a new world into being......

 And when the darkest of nights come (18th Aug-5th Sept) Lets shine bright together....

On the darkest of the darkest nights on the day of the new moon (29th Aug) Know in your heart that this evening is ruled by the Sun. 

Shine your inner lights as bright as you can!

More than you have even shined your lights before!

And allow the decay and destruction of the old and corrupt to happen, keep shining as this happens.....

Create spirals in your homes and gardens, and shine, wear your crystals, shine, drink pure waters, shine, eat fresh foods,  shine, pray, shine, create, shine, dream , shine, work on your internal world, shine.....shine......shine......