Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Wherever you are…..BE there totally….

Everything that is happening right now is of great significance…….In these; the end of times as we know it…..the edge of glory, the cusp of something new and profound, we must BE there totally…
We are waking up.
To those that are still awake….it is time to wake up now sleepy one!……To those of you who are awake, it is your responsibility to stay awake and see beyond the dramas, see beyond the drudgery of news and media, see beyond the wars and cruelty and see beyond the dark cloudy skies.
Know that above the dark clouds is a sky of azure blue, and the most beautiful star, our star, our sun.
Know also that you are not alone, as alone as you may feel know that you are special, loved, cherished and never alone.
Look around you at the beauty of nature…………..the diversity, the complexity, the wonder and awe……Know that you are a part of this, you are diverse, complex, simple, wonderful and awesome.
What are your gifts?
What did you bring with you when you came down to this earth?
What do you love to do?
Take your gifts, bring your talents and skills and go do what you love to do, and think, how can you use this for the service of others?
Be the best at what you are, after all, you are unique. Only you can do what you do the way you do it, we were born this way!
So shine like the sun, who does not cast a shadow, shine so bright you too do not cast a shadow upon the world.
Shine like he brightest star, our star.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Honeymoon in Mexico, A Mayan Adventure

The Maya are an ancient race of people; I presumed that they died out centuries ago when they were conquered by the conquistadores, but they are still living in the Yucatan peninsula. Seeing them was an adventure in itself, everywhere you looked you came face to face with the ancient faces of the Maya, even the children had the eyes of great wisdom and dignity of their ancestors.
The Mayan language have over 100 words that are the same as the Chinese, and you can see in the faces that they are of the same ancestry.
 We were shown around by a Mayan guide who spoke beautifully of his culture and spirituality.  It is widely known in their culture that the “end of days” is upon us, and that the change coming is the dying of the old world and birthing of a new world where we will be reborn into.
They believe that their deity, Kukulkan, will spread his wings and come back to them, us.
Kukulkan is a feathered serpent God with that is part Quetzal bird, his tail curls around heaven and his head sit on earth at the temple of Chichen Itza, his great mouth open with the waters of life pouring out.
It is believed that the Maya came from the great womb within the Milky Way; it is a fact that at the exact place the Maya believe they are from and huge Black hole sits a great womb. 
They believe that at the point of the great Patchakuti, the great polar shift, will be an alignment of all the planets, that Venus, an important star in their culture, will sit in line with the sun and earth, the life giver and the great mother, and that Chichen Itza will be in perfect alignment with the planets and the Milky Way and that Kukulkan will come down to earth and send forth a beam of light that will impregnate the great womb so that we may all be re born into the new world.  Our souls will be reborn into a new world. 
The Maya take great care of their names, it is who you are, in ancient times the shamans would name the child according to divine knowledge, this name would determine who you are and your destiny, it is also to let the gods know who you are so they will spare them during the great cleansing....
To bless the pendants you are to perform a simple ritual at the foot of Chichen Itza....
As we walked past the trees and market stall holder we entered out into the courtyard of the temple, and there sat under the burning sun was Chichen Itza. 
It was spectacular, we stood at the foot of the temple and clapped four times to represent and call the four directions, to our amazement after each clap an echo bounced back to us from the top of the pyramid, what was most amazing was not that sheer volume of the echo but the fact that the echo was not a clap but the call of the Quetzal bird!!!!! Truly fascinating!!
 I felt blessed to have witnessed this amazing phenomena, I picked up a stone (to put in my future Mesa ;0 ) and poured a drop of water on the floor as a thank you. 
As I watched more people clap and the call of Kukulkan calling back I watched a huge black raptorous bird fly over the top of the temple in honour of Kukulkan.