Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Journey Begins...

I have stepped into my destiny….I committed to the first step and took it…I said yes…I stepped out of the chaos just for a moment, out of the confusion and uncertainty… through the soft veil of time into connection…munay…infinity…Since I was a kid I wanted to ‘help heal the world of pain and suffering’ now I know that is not what is required of me, it’s not my place or responsibility….My responsibility is to heal myself, to eek out all the painful hooks and let go of all the suffering I chose to hold on to, so I can shine like the sun without casting any shadows on the world, so I can walk hand in hand with others as they embark on their own journey of healing and transformation.
You see I am training to become a shaman…a shaman of the Inca tradition, medicine man, energy worker, conduit between heaven and earth….I started my journey in the south, place of the serpent, place of illumination, place of fire, light, combustion….
To walk hand in hand with someone as you take your step from pain to pleasure is a tremendous experience, more than any other healing experience I have been through…wounds….deep…powerful…unconscious…hidden….all drawn up and combusted…I found it difficult at first to show my vulnerability, to show my dark frightened side, my soft belly, and to bring it up and present abandonment, hurt, self doubt…..then within minutes see it transform into peace, acceptance, joy and laughter….miracles do happen…
I had doubts about myself as a shaman, doubts that I could do it, doubts that I would be any good…fire combusted it…..I stepped into the role of shaman and I realised that the thinking mind has no place in that moment…when you cradle someone’s head in your hands, searching their soul for the vulnerability and pain, and giving it permission to surface… mind is required….only presence…..intent…munay….infinity
When the healing happens infinity takes over….it seeps into every part of your being, it seeps into the room and the person you are holding, they have called, its theirs, and all of ours…the world stops…just for a while…but it feels like forever.
The body calls you back, a deep gasp of life and breath, like the first breath of a newborn, and there glowing in the corners of the mouth is a smile.
The illumination process takes that which you no longer need, that which stops you saying yes to life, that causes pain, suffering, illness, and it combusts it with light, the transformational power of fire…serpent, and brings it to infinity…and when you come back, it starts to transform…into love, peace, acceptance, laughter…..enabling you to take a step towards life to pleasure…
Hatun Amaru, great serpent, Sachamama….Thank you thank you, thank you for helping us shed our past the way you so beautifully shed your skin, thank you for your coils of light you so gently and powerfully wrap around us, thank you for helping us feel and sense the deep recesses of the soul to find that which no longer serves us, thank you for helping us to grow and shine so beautifully as you do….Ho…

Serpent Walker
Coils of light wrap around me, as I call serpent to me
Hatun Amaru, Hatun Amaru…
Soft scales gently and slowly enfold me, squeezing the spaces in my mind and soul
“I see you lurking there, un-named shadow….let me feel you, know you, remember you”
Coils of light wrap around me, my breath quickens…my throat cramps up
Hatun Amaru, Hatun Amaru…
No where left to hide, shadows run…pouring the ache all through me…shadow hiding in a Kuya
“Don’t be afraid, you will be my medicine”
Coils of light wrap around me, and like its prey before the kill, I surrender with love and relief
Hatun Amaru, Hatun Amaru…
A little death touches me as the last of my breath is squeezed out
I melt into infinity…..
Coils of light wrap around me, and I am floating on an ocean of light
Hatun Amaru, Hatun Amaru…
My body calls me back…coils of light unravel…leaving me to bask in the warmth of the sun….naked…innocent, I lay like a serpent on a rock…tears rolling down my cheek…
I take a breath…joy fills my lungs…and laughter bursts out!!
All is full of love, and it is glorious…
Hatun Amaru, Hatun Amaru, Sachamama

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Edge of Glory

There is electricity in the air……like a youth’s first kiss, our hearts are a flutter with excitement of what’s to come.  Some people may be feeling fear, nervousness, apprehension; this is quite normal and understandable. 
There is so much noise…noise from consumerism, noise from the media, news, documentaries….noise from the spidery web of YouTube and Facebook, noise in our heads, noise in our words…conspiracies are rife on what will be……”The end of the world as we know it” Elenin, Nibiru, Planet X, red dwarf stars, Blue star Kachina….are the Hopi prophecies about to come true?  The list goes on……earthquakes, tsunamis, solar flares, solar storms, are we about to be thrown into 3 days of darkness? And then into the Stone Age with no electricity?  Planet flips and polar shifts, the earth is turning right way up, what does this mean for us?  Aliens, multidimensional beings, angels, whoever they are they are due for a comeback, who are they? Where will they come from? Are they coming to enslave us and steal our gold like pirates in the night sky? Or are they benign friendly beings, coming at humanities most poignant time in history to help us repair our planet and teach us to live in harmony with each other? To teach us new technologies and sciences? 
We are expected to free ourselves of earthly bonds, abandon the eating of meat and dairy, NO GM FOODS! No to Nuclear power! Recycle! Recycle! Recycle! Pull all our money out of the claws of our friendly banks….Then there is the spiritual side of these changes, we are to become enlightened….ascend…where too?
“We should all be able to see spirit now, glowing orbs and fairy lights….what do you mean you can’t? What’s wrong with you? Clearly you are not enlightened….If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!....”
Apparently we are asleep, some are awake, and claim to know all your secrets….maybe we are just dozing? Enjoying the lay in before a busy day ahead?
There are more people on this earth than at any other time in our human history.  We are at a climactic point in our beautiful history, on the brink of something extraordinary, somewhere we have never been before, how could we possibly know what is to happen now?  If you follow the Mayan calendar you will know we are at the end of a calendar that spans back to the big bang, a crescendo of energy and time is bouncing back to us, a wave of energy from the beginning of time is pulling back, like a giant elastic band and flipping back to us, transforming everything in its path to the next level of evolution, every spark of light, every molecule, every atom, every cell, every strand of DNA, every soul, even the spirits and ascended ones…..
We are on the brink of something beautiful, profoundly illuminating.
We are all in this together.
No one is excluded, through choice or through decision, unified we are about to step into the unknown, off the edge of glory. 
The River of Change has caught everyone in its watery waves… one has been left out.  The Great River…..a river of time….14 billion years of energy is behind us excelling us forward into evolution….the power of Great spirit Unified.
We have rode the waves, been knocked on the rapids and rocks….each of us is learning to push off to the centre of the river, to float along the current with the waves over the rapids, feet first into the new, looking for who is in the river with you, laughing and celebrating this time.
Some are still trying to carry who they think they are, slowly going under the water, chocking and spluttering…some are still trying to swim away from the future and uncertainty, exhaustion setting in from swimming against the current, clinging desperately to whatever or whoever is in the water with them….some are still clinging to the side, fingers torn and arms aching unable to step into life….some are even swimming with the current, getting to the future quicker, but missing who is in the water with them, unable to see where they are going….
All of us will get to he end of the river….What happens to someone actually falling over the edge of a waterfall? Excitement? Fear? Terror? Then you are unable to see, chaos, deafening noise, then as you enter the pool below… silence…..calm, then you find yourself in another river, calmly bobbing about, exhilarated from the ride, listening to the birds singing and the lapping of the river gently taking you home, the thunder of the waterfall behind you.
This great River of Time will fall over the edge into timelessness, into the calm, the peace, the harmony, into the river of life. 
A new world awaits us, it doesn’t matter what is going to happen, what matters is who you are with, how many hearts have you touched? How many souls have you made feel whole and beautiful? How many children have you encouraged? How many elders have you stopped and listened to? How many sick or wounded have you held in your heart safe and healed?
We do not Need to do anything, or be anything, we do not have to buy or collect or own anything to be able to be a part of this.

Spirit has told me…….
“We are all awakening, we are all evolving, we are all remembering who we are, we had forgotten, now we are remembering……..Be…..Just be…….we are taking care of you, holding you and all that you are…..”
I know this to be my truth……We are on the edge of glory.
“I’m gonna run right to, to the edge with you, where we can both fall over in love, I’m on the edge of glory….and I’m hanging on a moment with you…..” Lady GaGa - Edge of Glory

Monday, 29 August 2011

The Lake

Once upon a timeless time, there was a beautiful clear lake.  For all of time birds and animals have bathed and drank from its banks, children have played and dived into its depths, mothers have washed the family’s clothes and washed themselves during their moon time.  There are so many stories about this lake, strange creatures that may have lived in it, Gods who have stepped into it or drank from its cool depths…..mermaids, pirates, unicorns……Children still swim there and babies are still washed there. The village was going through a difficult time, a twisting and turning of life…Kings became slaves, barbarians became rulers, lovers fought, children acted like adults while adults acted like children, the medicine people worked in the mines and the fields…..The world was upside-down.
During one particularly dark night, the earth shook to its core….Storms ravaged the skies, and water spilled everywhere.  As the dawn began to break there was calm for a while, and as the sun broke over the mountains early in the morning a small child stuck his little nose out of the door, and took a peak out.  He stepped outside and took a deep breath in, he walked gently down to the lake, his eyes were still half shut from sleep as he screwed his eyes up with his hands, he scooped up some water and took a sip, then stopped, and stared deep into the clear depths of the lake.

The morning carried on, people tidied up the mess of the night, people yawning, washing, scratching, eating…The boys mum look up to see where her son had got too, she walked towards him sat by the lake and asked what he was doing…he said ”look mama” and pointed to the lake, she peered into the deep water and tears filled her eyes as she gazed, her heart swam in the deep lake.
More people came over to see what they were looking at and all of them stopped and stared at the scene before them with wonder and awe.  By mid morning, everyone in the village was looking into the lake, by mid day all of the neighbouring villages were staring longingly into the lake, all smiling, some laughing, tears rolling down some of the others cheeks, a beautiful glow came about..Like the glow of a woman with child…
Behind them stood dark shadowy figures, consumed with anger and fear, strong and powerful souls who lost their light a long time ago.  A small girl turned around to see who was standing there and not looking at the prettiness before her, she saw a shadowy figure lurking behind her, she knew who he was, he took from her something no one should ever take.  She stood for a moment….Thought for a minute, then walked towards him….”come on” she said quietly, “It’s ok now, come and look” the shadowy figure shuffled his feet, looking very awkward he took a step forward…gingerly he walked towards the lake with the little girl, grief filled his heart and he began to cry, he didn't think his heart could bare it anymore, filled with anger despair, sadness, and the light and innocence of the little girl he stole from…his was took a long time ago too…as he reached the lake he looked around him, all around the lake people were crying, holding each other, smiling, they looked beautiful!
He looked down, his eyes blinded by the tears burning his eyes, he wiped them with the back of his sleeve and looked into the lake…his eyes widened, breath caught in his throat….and he glowed.
More shadowy figures came to see what was happening…a widower turned around to see who was behind her and a sudden recognition of one of the young girls hit her…she lost her husband to a violent mugging that went terribly wrong….part of the widow wanted to push her away and scream and shout...WHY!! She looked back to the lake….then back to the girl…..”You stole time with my husband away from me, something I will never get back……..but now is the time to forgive…….come…” she stepped aside and let the girl in….her heart was pounding, she had often seen the woman about the village, and always she hide in the shadows away from the guilt…she looked into the water and fell to her knees…she searched frantically for something in the water, then she saw him…and she smiled, she stood up and put her arm around the widow and they cried together.
By the late afternoon, nearly the whole world was looking into the waters
A glow was noticed, from behind them, some people started to shuffle and turn around, from the mountain tops came a troop of glowing people! These Elders had been living in these mountains for over 500 of them stepped forward and walked in-between the people, as they moved aside to let the elder in he stopped, he looked at the man next to him, saw the dried tears on his cheeks, then looked knowingly into the lake, “oh.....I see...” he said, and stepped back, and calmly walked back to his group.......
The elders spoke;

”What you are looking at is a vision of our world that we have been holding for you....”

“A world of great wisdom and grace, where all people live in harmony with each other and the rest of creation, and all of Great Spirit’s creatures.  A world of love and joy....a world where we take care of the Great Mother as we live in peace on her belly”

“It has been said that there will be a time when everybody will be able to see this vision, and hold it for themselves......that time has come”

“We ask that each of you look deep into the lake and watch your own vision manifest, dream, visualize....then kneel down and drink some of the water, let it permeate your body, let it be a part of you, let it manifest in your life”

An ancient and sacred tree lived near the lake, children called it the Tree House, the elders called it The Tree of Life.  Deep within its roots a rumble emerged....deep within its cracks a light shone....there was a deep earthly sigh and out stepped a foot, then a leg, then a body...”Look!” shouted a small boy.....a figure dressed in dark clothes and furs stood shielding his eyes from the evening sky, black feathers hung around his shoulders and back, he jumped up on a huge boulder and spoke...

There was a wave of murmurs in the crowd.

“I am the keeper of the Underworld” his voice was of gravel and soil..Rough like the earth itself....

"I come bearing news from my kingdom, there is chaos.....there is pain.....there is fear....we are all moving into the vision you see before you...a great light....a light so bright we have never seen before, the darkest hour is before dawn, and as we move closer to the light, the shadows become darker and so we are a part of this chaos....We need to hold the visions the elders spoke of, the shadow will get darker, but it will also shrink! and soon it will be gone, and end to chaos...hold your vision and bare witness to the receding of the shadow”

“Hold every moment in your life as sacred....let love be your ritual....let nature be your teacher...listen to your children and your elders...and shine as bright as the sun”

And with his last words echoing in the air, the last beams of the setting sun shone down, temporarily blinding the people, when the people could see once more the elders and the strange exotic man were gone.
The people turned back to the lake...held their visions....scooped up water to drink....and got on with their lives...carrying their light within them.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Unity Consciousness and our Responsibility

What does this mean? On the 9th March 2011 we entered into the last Xibalba, the ninth level of the Mayan calendar, this is not a calendar of time, but rather a map of consciousness.

This level of consciousness is the state of acknowledgement of a simple truth....That we are One.

One mind......One consciousness......One heart......One Spirit.

We are re-membering this fact, we are entering into a phase of life that we have never been before.
The unconscious is coming up to become conscious. Causing all sorts of havoc!
The upper conscious is coming down to become conscious, bringing with it new possibilities....
The underworld, upperworld and middleworld are coming together as one, unity.
What we believe becomes our reality.
We are co-creators of this universe.
Therefore what we believe, envision, share with the world.........will be will manifest itself.

So what do you bring to this world? What do you believe, say, post on facebook pages and twitter?
Is your wisdom easy to understand by all? Is it positive, inspiring, new, profound, different?

Or is it fear-full, a warning, a vision based on what may or may not happen in the future? Is it re-membering the past, believing it will somehow re-occur itself?

What we say and present to the world has a massive influence on those around us, those we connect with, everyone.....

If we all feared the same thing.......heeding all the you not think that just maybe what you fear will come true due to the fact so many people are believing it?

We need the Lightworkers and Wisdomkeepers, the Daykeepers and Earthkeepers and the Starkeepers of this world to share inspiring stories, profound heart warming wisdom, and a vision of a beautiful world.....share your passions and your joy.

We all know what could be, what may happen, we have all read the warnings of this and that, lets honour it and let them go. (If any of these big things actually happen, we have no control over them anyway...surely?)

Focussing on the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘maybe’s’ of these global catastrophy scenarios’ will only bring them to us, and in the end 'Unity consciousness' would be the very thing that became our demise.

We cannot afford now to be reckless with our thoughts and words.
We all hold great of the universe.....maybe it is time now to stand up & take responsibility?

Lets instead celebrate life; laugh, play, be silly and stupid and innocent...unload your wear souls of the burdens you chose to carry.........shed your past and your view of yourself....who else can you be?

Let’s bring joy to people’s lives, so the 'here and now' is a wonderful place to be!
Let’s bring heaven down to earth!

What would it be like to live in the Great Garden of Eden?

What would it be like to live as one of Heavens Children?

I leave you with my own joy.......

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

.......So I followed the black rabbit down the deep dark hole in the ground,

Not knowing where it will lead, on my way down I saw comets flying towards me, solar flares bathing everything in the brightest of lights, I saw strange spirals in the night sky, and even stranger Beings leaving beautiful patterns in our crops....seeing these strange things I feel somehow drawn to them and fascinated..........
My Fourth Night there seemed chaotic, sad, a little depressing, what does all this mean?
Words rang in my ear;
“fear will draw itself to it....”
“What you believe will be...”
"Light will shine on all, and show All...”

The new Fifth Day dawned and I was glad...the day ruled by the Lord of Light? This must be a good time!?

But the light shined, and what was seen, cannot be unseen.....

Among the sights of joy, celebration and inspiring stories of change and evolution I saw sadness, despair, rage, horror....riots, people starving, the suffering of children and animals everywhere, abuse, hurt, our beautiful garden covered in poison and concrete, baked earth, stripped forests, economies many tears.

What I did not Really See...I saw.

I saw our old consciousness decaying, and all the social, political and economic pillars, which we created, falling.

Our relationships with these things seemed to reflect our inner turmoil.  We identify with these things, and seeing them fall and collapse causes us pain and suffering, which we then share with each other. 

Instead of being rooted in Spirit, Unity, the here and now....we are rooted to the fallen pillars.

 I felt fear. Rage at the world and all who defied her.

My heart became black....a void.....I wallowed in this feeling.............................

 And out of the dark, a tiny sparkle of light shined forth....In my knowing of this fear, this rage, feeling it fully, embracing it fully, I had held it tenderly....and it transformed into peace, and love.

 This great light shined through the darkest part of my soul, I embraced the sadness, the pain, I held the suffering, cradling it like a newborn child, holding it ready to transform, I am still holding it now, dreaming it into joy, love and peace.

 It is still the Fifth Day and I am returning from the deep dark hole in the ground which the dark rabbit took me, as I leave I touch the spirals in the sky with my fingertips, I wave to the Beings who just want to say hello, I toast marshmallows on the fires in the streets and chip ice from the comet for my drink, a drink I raise up in celebration to this wonderful day!

 Let’s celebrate together! Let’s dream!

 The moon is waxing, (full this Saturday on the 13th Aug) a day ruled by the Seeds, lets plant a seed of a new world of light, and dream a new world into being......

 And when the darkest of nights come (18th Aug-5th Sept) Lets shine bright together....

On the darkest of the darkest nights on the day of the new moon (29th Aug) Know in your heart that this evening is ruled by the Sun. 

Shine your inner lights as bright as you can!

More than you have even shined your lights before!

And allow the decay and destruction of the old and corrupt to happen, keep shining as this happens.....

Create spirals in your homes and gardens, and shine, wear your crystals, shine, drink pure waters, shine, eat fresh foods,  shine, pray, shine, create, shine, dream , shine, work on your internal world, shine.....shine......shine......

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Wherever you are…..BE there totally….

Everything that is happening right now is of great significance…….In these; the end of times as we know it…..the edge of glory, the cusp of something new and profound, we must BE there totally…
We are waking up.
To those that are still awake….it is time to wake up now sleepy one!……To those of you who are awake, it is your responsibility to stay awake and see beyond the dramas, see beyond the drudgery of news and media, see beyond the wars and cruelty and see beyond the dark cloudy skies.
Know that above the dark clouds is a sky of azure blue, and the most beautiful star, our star, our sun.
Know also that you are not alone, as alone as you may feel know that you are special, loved, cherished and never alone.
Look around you at the beauty of nature…………..the diversity, the complexity, the wonder and awe……Know that you are a part of this, you are diverse, complex, simple, wonderful and awesome.
What are your gifts?
What did you bring with you when you came down to this earth?
What do you love to do?
Take your gifts, bring your talents and skills and go do what you love to do, and think, how can you use this for the service of others?
Be the best at what you are, after all, you are unique. Only you can do what you do the way you do it, we were born this way!
So shine like the sun, who does not cast a shadow, shine so bright you too do not cast a shadow upon the world.
Shine like he brightest star, our star.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Honeymoon in Mexico, A Mayan Adventure

The Maya are an ancient race of people; I presumed that they died out centuries ago when they were conquered by the conquistadores, but they are still living in the Yucatan peninsula. Seeing them was an adventure in itself, everywhere you looked you came face to face with the ancient faces of the Maya, even the children had the eyes of great wisdom and dignity of their ancestors.
The Mayan language have over 100 words that are the same as the Chinese, and you can see in the faces that they are of the same ancestry.
 We were shown around by a Mayan guide who spoke beautifully of his culture and spirituality.  It is widely known in their culture that the “end of days” is upon us, and that the change coming is the dying of the old world and birthing of a new world where we will be reborn into.
They believe that their deity, Kukulkan, will spread his wings and come back to them, us.
Kukulkan is a feathered serpent God with that is part Quetzal bird, his tail curls around heaven and his head sit on earth at the temple of Chichen Itza, his great mouth open with the waters of life pouring out.
It is believed that the Maya came from the great womb within the Milky Way; it is a fact that at the exact place the Maya believe they are from and huge Black hole sits a great womb. 
They believe that at the point of the great Patchakuti, the great polar shift, will be an alignment of all the planets, that Venus, an important star in their culture, will sit in line with the sun and earth, the life giver and the great mother, and that Chichen Itza will be in perfect alignment with the planets and the Milky Way and that Kukulkan will come down to earth and send forth a beam of light that will impregnate the great womb so that we may all be re born into the new world.  Our souls will be reborn into a new world. 
The Maya take great care of their names, it is who you are, in ancient times the shamans would name the child according to divine knowledge, this name would determine who you are and your destiny, it is also to let the gods know who you are so they will spare them during the great cleansing....
To bless the pendants you are to perform a simple ritual at the foot of Chichen Itza....
As we walked past the trees and market stall holder we entered out into the courtyard of the temple, and there sat under the burning sun was Chichen Itza. 
It was spectacular, we stood at the foot of the temple and clapped four times to represent and call the four directions, to our amazement after each clap an echo bounced back to us from the top of the pyramid, what was most amazing was not that sheer volume of the echo but the fact that the echo was not a clap but the call of the Quetzal bird!!!!! Truly fascinating!!
 I felt blessed to have witnessed this amazing phenomena, I picked up a stone (to put in my future Mesa ;0 ) and poured a drop of water on the floor as a thank you. 
As I watched more people clap and the call of Kukulkan calling back I watched a huge black raptorous bird fly over the top of the temple in honour of Kukulkan.

Friday, 8 April 2011

New Forces Of Nature

A particle accelerator in the US has found hints of a never before seen particle.
The find still needs to be confirmed, but researchers at the Tevatron (The Tevatron was the highest-energy accelerator in the world now we have the LHC which is faster) are working hard through the data. If proved correct, it will be a completely new unanticipated particle! Researchers say it cannot be the Higgs boson. If this is correct then we have a new fundamental force of nature and the most extreme change in physics for decades.
The team were analysing data from collisions between protons and their anti-matter counterpart’s antiprotons. During the collisions, tiny particles known as W bosons were produced, along with a pair of jets of other particles; it’s in these jets that the unexpected bump in the team's data came to be, potentially showing sings of a particle that in the current understanding of the mass of subatomic particles (the Standard Model) does not include.
"There's a 0.1% chance that this is a statistical fluke," he said. "Other than that possibility that lingers, this is the most exciting new physics we've learned about in my lifetime." Dr Hooper - a theoretical physicist at Fermilab who was not involved in the research.
If this is true, Dr Hooper believes that the mystery particle represents an undiscovered "fundamental force".
"We'd essentially be saying there's a new force of nature being communicated by the particle. We know that there are four forces: electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. This would be the fifth; every freshman physics class would have to change their textbooks."
The times are changing and as we have entered the first night of the Mayan underworld, ruled by the God of Earth, is this something to do with the reality of matter, earthliness? The reality of our existence? Or maybe will it bring a light to the unseen world? The unseen world we may be about to encounter…..

In the Inca tradition, the four forces of nature; electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak nuclear forces are represented by Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird and Condor…what would this 5th force be?? What would represent it?

The science team say that it is caused by the collision of protons and antiprotons, the building blocks of particles, which makes almost everything. Are these new particles the children of the protons, the masculine and feminine in microcosm, are they the creation of life? Is this 5th force life itself?......possibly…who knows? …..Who is asking the question?

On the 14th April we enter into the 2nd Day ruled by the Goddess of Water, could this be the time we understand this fundamental change in Physics? The fluidity of the nature of reality….

If you watch documentaries about science one thing stands out to me, the more I hear scientist talk the more I see them as poets, artists, muses, priests…they talk about the beauty of the universe and nature of our reality, in that it is not what it seems…everything is made up of particles dancing the different dances of forces, and each particle is only 30% matter, 70% nothingness, what is in that nothingness? Something?  They talk about the nature of time, in that it doesn’t actually exist (well not as we know it)
We are in a time now where science and spirituality are merging…science in catching up with what the ancient elders always knew!

We are in an era, a level, an underworld, that is the most profound of all our history….ever…scientific exploration is stretching further than we have ever been and will continue too over the coming days/months/years…
What is next?
You don’t know? Exactly!

Friday, 11 March 2011

This is the Earth Speaking; this is Your Personal Wake Up Call…

Today, 11.03.11 there has been a massive earthquake in Japan. This has subsequently caused a massive tsunami to hit the whole pacific coastline. The earth is shifting.  The polar shift is quite possibly upon us.  Today we are ruled by the Mayan sign of water, which is an eastern sign, a sign of great flowing energy, a flood water pouring out into the earth, symbolically and quite literally.
The earth is preparing itself for the great shifts occurring right now, under our feet, inside our bodies, in our minds hearts and soul.  We are all linked to the earth and each other.
Have any of you been feeling this pull, this tug? Have any of you experienced an earthquake in your personal lives, or a tsunami of emotions?  The earth is moving, shifting, and we can only try our best to stay focussed, and stay connected to the earth, and stay balanced while we move in this shifting time.
The full moon on the 19th of March 2011 next week will appear unusually large in the night sky as it reaches a point in its cycle known as 'lunar perigee'.  Stargazers will be treated to a spectacular view when the moon approaches Earth at a distance of 221,567 miles in its elliptical orbit - the closest it will have passed to our planet since 1992. It will seem 14% bigger and 30% brighter. This phenomenon has reportedly heightened concerns about 'super moons' being linked to extreme weather events - such as earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis, of which we are now experiencing. The last time the moon passed close to the Earth was on 10 January 2005, around the time of the Indonesian earthquake that measured 9.0 on the Richter scale.
Symbolically and mythological, this full moon lands on the spring equinox and the Mayan day sign of Earth, another name for this sign is Earthquake.
To me this all points to the balancing and changing of the earth, as predicted by the Maya, the Patchakuti, the turning right way up of the earth.  
We need to consciously stop trying to analyse these events, stop trying to think about it, we need to let life flow, and trust, and let this resonate within the earth. Hindering this flow is causing the earth to shake. The Unity consciousness is making us more aware than ever that our beliefs and our emotions create our world, to the extent that our stunted and rigid beliefs about the earth being here solely for us humans for us to take how and when we choose is now quaking the very earth from our feet.  When beliefs start to crumble, all that was held from it starts to crumble. We are waking up and realising the earth was here long before us, and we are to be at one with it, to be a part of her, and to live in harmony with her.  And as this is the first full moon of the unity consciousness, we are all feeling it.
This time is ruled by the Mayan God of time and fire.  In the news the pacific coastline is called “the ring of fire”
This full moon lets all meditate/pray for balance, harmony in the earth and within us, and ask that it comes with great ease and grace..Remember this, I sometimes forget! ;) (Read article;  Up the Mountain and Down Again)
The peak of this wave will be around the full moon, so after it should be a bit quieter….for now…..lets ride these energy waves with courage strength grace and beauty, here’s to the new world!!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Universal Unity Consciousness

As of tomorrow, 9th of March 2011, there will be a shift in consciousness, a shift to universal unity consciousness.
What will happen?  I hear you say; I have no idea!? Good!  If we did know, then we would have already been here before and that isn’t a good thing! If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.  Time for change....and change is a happening! You know the changes I’m talking about, you can see them on the news, hear the changes as you listen in on people’s conversations, and see the changes in your own personal lives. We have all been invited to be here at this momentous time to see the changes happen, the birth of a new world into being, take courage in that statement, the higher powers that be, the universe, Great Spirit has asked us to be here, right now….everyone….
I believe that our thoughts of separation, segregation, the ‘them and us’ mentality will slowly go from our minds….feelings of alienation, difference (in its negative form) aloneness will be something we can honour and transcend into oneness, togetherness, unity.
I believe more and more people will be ‘on the same page’ and there will be a mass awakening of open mindedness, questioning and questing, looking for our purpose, why are we here? People will question life, our life and be open to other ways, like spring flowers cold from winter grasp we will wake up, in the warmth of the first rays of the sun. The dawn of a new day, a new consciousness of universal unity is emerging.
Possibly we are moving towards a time of harmony, non violence and peace......possibly we could be becoming unified in our actions and our voices……Is world peace and harmony something you would like?....Then BE it. 
With unity consciousness the more people who believe something, desire something and love something the more it will happen. 
Science has already seen that the human body and human mind is somehow linked energetically to the earth’s magnetic field, and where there is a mass of one particular thought, feeling, emotion, (such as when there is a terrorist attack) the energetic field around that part of the earth shows a different frequency, which in turn makes the area around it vibrate at the same or similar rate, like ripples on a pond….
This is the start of unity consciousness…
The earth is turning, the frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field is weakening to allow this polar shift to occur, and the pulse of the earth is getting stronger…this is all happening the way it should….everything is happening the way it should, all is perfect, and I know we may not see it like that, these are the birthing pain as we birth a new world, and we are birthed into it, but what needs to change is our mind and perception of what we see, our consciousness….maybe unity consciousness will help this to occur?
This level of consciousness will last until the 28th of October 2011. There will be great waves of universal energy pouring down during this time; we need to learn to ride these waves during this most important time.
Shine brightly, bring your truth, don’t take life personally, stay connected to the earth the Pachamama. 

Friday, 4 March 2011

The eagle suffers little birds to sing, and is not careful what they mean thereby, Knowing that with the shadow of his wings He can at pleasure stint their melody: Even so mayest thou the giddy men of Rome. William Shakespeare

In early February 2011, there were major political protests (inspired by recent similar events in Tunisia, Egypt and other parts of the Arab world), which quickly turned into a general uprising, broke out in Libya against Gaddafi's government. By 26 February 2011, Gaddafi was reported as having lost control of much of the country.
From the Mayan calendar this day was ruled by Vulture, embodying the wisdom of the past.  It is not an easy day sign and they may have had a lot of karmic cleansing to deal with. On the surface there may be a sense of joy and humour but underneath there is a very deep and serious element. Complacency was the straw that broke the camel’s back, causing introspection from which derived much wisdom.  This wisdom was that, life cannot go on the way it has, change is needed!
Vultures uses virtually no energy in flight, instead they use the wind and the currents of the earth energies to hold themselves afloat high above the mountains.
The challenge in life is to find an ethical way of taking it easy, enjoying life and relaxing in harmony with the earth and the community.
In ancient times before the rise of Islam there were pagan societies; one of the Gods of these societies was the Vulture God, Nasr, full of ancient wisdom, clarity and insight.

Colonel Gaddafi was born into the sign of Eagle, 7th June 1942 a sign that is both powerful and ambitious and with high aspiration for life. There is a soaring energy about him and life may occur to him as a constant dream of light which can often blind. He is successful in achieving material abundance and fortune because of his higher perspective and intelligence.
In most Native American peoples the Eagle clan was important and the Eagle was a messenger that brought with it hope and faith on the wings of the spirit. The Eagle has a keen sense of details and technical orientation, much like Gaddafi.  If the Eagle aspires for too much and sees to attain this because of his superior abilities, this may lead to a fall from the heights. Eagles that love freedom should be aware of the risks of escapism.
The conflict in Libya is a fight between the Eagle and the Vulture.  The Vulture land, complacent with Eagles high rule and intricate planning, organising and micro managing, has had enough, and is tearing away from the Great Eagle, whose superior viewpoint has made him separate from his people.
The ancient Vulture has raised her head to clean the corps of the old world.  The times are changing and civilisation which rose from this place in the east is starting to crumble, like the rest of the world the old is crumbling to make way for the new.  The old world is dying, and a new world is about to be born.  It is a fitting place to begin.
{At the start of this decay we see three  names, Osama Bin Laden (Day Sign; Serpent)  Saddam Hussein (Day sign; Water) and G W Bush (Also a Serpent….) The Waters of life are over flowing, the Great River flows towards the end times, and the Serpents, bringers of change, are shedding the past}
In Islamic beliefs, the Shaitan, (the Serpent/Devil in Christian myth) tricked Adam and Eve into taking a bite into the fruit of knowledge, the knowledge and power to create Angels and Gods.
The serpent is an element of beauty, shedding her skin to grow, just as we are shedding our pasts, our stories, our present world, enabling us to grow and illuminate.  Now is the time to take that fruit and enjoy its sweet taste, and create Angels and Gods.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Stepping into being

One of the many things I learnt on my journey has been that we all must choose our place, take up a stand and make informed decisions about what we want from ourselves and our life.  We are all going through a major change, an evolutionary jump into who we are becoming, the Homoluminous, no longer will we be tied to the “we’re only human” mentality  when things “go wrong” or we make the “wrong choices”,  we will start to see that neither of these are actually true, everything is perfect just the way it is, and the choices we make are correct at the time we made them (based on the knowledge we have, and circumstances of that time)  The time is now that we drop all the stories of who we have been, and who we think we are, honour them as these were the times when we grew into who we are today.  And who we are today is changing.  We have been here for millions of years (linear time anyway!) we, our consciousness/spirit has been here since the dawn of time, or maybe before, now we are taking the next leap, the next step up into our evolution, but this time we are stepping off out into the unknown.  We have never done this before. 
Apart from staying connected to the earth, and not taking life personally, what do we need to do? How do we step into our becoming?   I didn’t quite know what “stepping into” meant, We were told to ”step into Daykeeper” “Step into Earthkeeper mode” I had no idea what this meant until the time I went to a fire ceremony some time after my rites’.
During a fire ceremony once you have called the four winds, you say your prayers to the flames, during this time, if there is more than one of you, someone stands behind you arms out to protect that person from anything behind them, so they can concentrate on what they are doing and not have to worry about what’s going on behind their back. I saw someone go to the fire so as I was nearest I stood behind them, opened up my arms and closed my eyes, I had no idea what I was supposed to do or think, I just stood there, then I remembered the Earthkeepers, standing just like this, arms and wings out stretched holding sacred space for us, as I thought of them I was suddenly there with them, holding space high up around the earth, I remembered what it is to step into Earthkeeper, I remembered I was joined to this lineage and I become Earthkeeper, just for that moment, holding sacred space for this being.  A little while after the fire a friend of mine rather shocked asked me “What on earth did you do? You totally disappeared at the fire! All I could see was the horizon and fireflies!”  I was there but holding space…in space….I had stepped into timelessness and stepped into Earthkeeper.  You simply be what you are destined to be, be who you want to be, be who you are becoming………simply be…..

Thursday, 10 February 2011


Our final rite was the Spirit rites’ where we ask the presence of Great Spirit (God) to be with us.  Before we entered the room where the ceremony was to be held we first waited outside the door, there was expectancy and excitement in the air, we were each smudged before we entered into the sacred space and the presence of Great Spirit.  As we quietly entered in to the room I saw a beautiful alter of candles, and two circles of chairs facing each other, I sat down feeling quite nervous, this was the big one! Was I going to “meet my maker”? The last rites had steadily gotten stronger and stronger and more and more powerful “what’s this one going to be like!?” Sacred space was opened and already you could feel the tingle of power in the room, then a small ceremony was performed by four people who had already received these rites. In a circle they stood, arms raised up to heaven calling Great Spirits’ presence, all four of them did a group hug so all four foreheads touched and that was it…….the air became thick with electricity, the nervousness rose within me more……..It was my turn to receive the rites………….I didn’t feel much, not at first, in fact I was almost a little disappointed, I didn’t expect to levitate off the chair while beams of light shine from my palms, but I thought there must be more to this, then I was aware I didn’t feel much at all, nothing, I was at peace, such a beautiful peace, almost alien to me I didn’t recognise it, yet around me I saw in my head the biggest storm all around us, I could feel it, a storm so big it filled the sky for hundreds of miles, and we were right in its centre, calm and still, timeless.  The energy became so thick the IPod blew up!

Giving the rite felt again quiet and still, almost like I no longer existed, I did not matter, insignificant, yet I was a part of something so great and wonderful that it was more important than anything else. I had a feeling, Like a quiet and gentle realisation, I remembered I was god.
These rites gave me grace, the understanding that I like everyone else, is a co-creator of the infinite, Spirit gave us this garden, it’s our job to finish it.  Spirit is everything; us, the trees, the whales, the ants, the IPods…..there is only Spirit/God…..therefore that is what we are…spirit….you and I are god, masquerading as you and I.  This rite gave me the consciousness of this realisation, and looking around me at all the other faces I saw the many faces of the One.
It got a bit too heavy, or light? So we ended this rite by dancing wildly to hard core drum and base music! Which was ecstatic! We pounded our feet into the earth, anchoring this light into our reality, bringing heaven down to earth….