Friday, 31 December 2010

2011 and the last Xibalba

This year is going to be an interesting one, in March this year we enter into the last of the galactic underworlds...the Xibalba...The consciousness of unity.....Unity consciousness.....This is the last level of time as we know it and the last level of human consciousness as we know it, time will speed up dramatically, 13 x 18 days, changes are going to come more, and more often, in October 28th this year this level of unity consciousness will come to an end, the last platform from which we will jump off into the unknown! Time as we know it will end.
This is the time to be who we are supposed to be, to shine our truth, share our love, light and beauty, a time neither to be afraid nor to take life personally.

A Hopi elder from Oraibi in Arizona national park, has spoken about these coming times;
“You have been telling the people that it is the 11th hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the hour.
There are many things to be considered, where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth, create your community, be good to each other, and do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast......
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart, and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its own destination.
The elders say; we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open & our heads above water.
And I say, see who is in the water with you and celebrate!
At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all, ourselves, for the moment we do, our spiritual growth & journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over, gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manor & in celebration.
For, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for”

The prophecies say there will be earthquakes, floods, chaos and turmoil, and people will be scared, they will question what is going on?  At this time we need to connect to our earth, think of her and all that we are doing and thinking, what you believe will come true, so be careful.  Stay centred and do not be concerned with the dramas of life.  We have been through nine polar shifts, but never before with this amount of people.  We are about to enter into the last of the Xibalba, the galactic underworlds, this will be the ninth, just like a baby gestating within a womb for nine month our souls are about to be born into the world of light. 
We are all in this river flowing fast, we need to push off from the shore, and keep our heads above water.  Those that are holding onto the shore, fearing the future, are holding onto their comfort zones, not willing to change, they will get swept away unless they learn to trust life and go with the flow. Those holding onto their stories and carrying their baggage around with them will sink down until they learn to them go.  Those swimming against the current will weaken, always hiding in the past, giving their energy away to others, the past, their ancestors, they will suffer unless they let go of the past and embrace their becoming.
Trust your heart and you instincts, and embrace your destiny, be who you are supposed to be, we are the ones we have been waiting for...

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Starting my journey

I started my journey of the munay Ki in the weird and wonderful town of Glastonbury, in a beautiful home of the Abbey ruins.  Already as I walked through the gates there was a different feel to the place, it was to become my home and sanctuary for six mesmerising days.  The first day, after we spoke of why we turned up, we discussed for hours the journeys of life and the journey we are all embarking on.  What interested me most was the story of the Earthkeepers, the Daykeepers and the Wisdomkeepers, ancient people, our ancestors! I love it when myth and science or history come together, I recently watched a documentary about the Clovis people who are, what scientist have named them, the first people to cross from Europe to America, the Inca call them the Laika, the medicine men and women, who practised their herbal and energetic medicine for thousands of years.  You can see the journey they made, all over the world are stone circles erected to the divine feminine and great stone pyramids for the divine masculine, so amazing to hear the story of the Laika, and link it with history.  I feel I know these people, we are these people, “we are the ones we are waiting for” I hear our teacher say… we were those people, we are the reincarnations of them, beautiful.
My first rite was the Hampe rite, to start the journey.  In front of a beautiful alter we chose our own little bag containing a small round stone with a hole in its centre, a Pi stone, It felt like Christmas! The healers lineage was blown through this pi stone into my hands and I felt my hands tingle, energising, (with the memory of what they used to do?)…I felt a sensation of being surrounded by old friends, faces I seemed to recognise yet have not seen (in this lifetime anyway) faces that maybe I once wore?……with this rite I felt a responsibility to others. I experienced a tremendous gratitude to life and a humbling appreciation of my own being.

The next rite was the Kawak rite, the rite of clear sight; new filaments of light were attached to the third eye and heart chakras to the back of the head at the visual cortex.  Very scientific, I thought. With this rite we are supposed to be able to see the world of energy, and see that which is hidden, the parts of ourselves we keep hidden. I am told this will open up things that are painful, things you have kept hidden, it is up to us to turn the page and look for what is possible and not what is probable. Later on I saw how this rite works whilst in a cave!
Next is the Chumpi rite, where bands of power were woven around my luminous energy field, to protect me from heavy energies, turning them to one of the 5 elements, also linking me to them.  This one is interesting to watch especially after the Kawak rite.  My body was covered in sparkling black energy around my waist, rippling red energy around my tummy, fiery gold energy around my heart, shimmering silver energy around my neck and shoulders, and a bright white light around my head.  Magical!
The last rite of the day was the Ayni Kaypay rite, harmony rite.  Lying down on the floor I did not know what to expect, I was to receive four archetypal energies and three arch-angels! In my head I saw a great serpent slide up into my body, a jaguar padded through all the people and jumped onto my stomach! Then a hummingbird flew around my head and swooped down into my tummy, then I saw a huge two faced vulture flying high above me and circle a few times lower and lower until it flew right into my chest… next a dark sparkling seed was placed into my throat, I felt a little uncomfortable with this one, when I gave the rites to someone else each time I gave Huascar my throat closed up, once it was so bad I actually had an asthma attack! I spoke with him first, “Huascar Inca of the underworld, I do not know who you are of what you are about, but I wish for a seed of you to place in this person in front of me” with that my throat closed up, coughing and spluttering I tried to catch a breath but couldn’t, then I realised who he was, or at least a part of him… he was linked with the last sigh of our death, the first gasp of our birth, the fragility of life, and them sacred, we have a great connection now.  Into my brow Quetzalcoatl was placed, a beautiful rainbow feathered serpent silently fluttered its wings down into my forehead…then into my crown Patchakuti Inca, a golden angel ascended within a flood of golden light! Wow!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

My Munay Ki rites

Why I turned up, a healer’s journey.
Why did I turn up?  Good question, I have always known I wanted to be a part of the healer’s lineage, ever since I was a kid, I wanted so much to take all the pain and suffering away from the world, I saw sadness everywhere, illness, famine, pain, it’s a lot for a kid to deal with, I always wished I had magical powers to heal, see into the future, fly….growing up I became very interested in the occult and witchcraft, to regain my powers and control! But it doesn’t quite work like that does it..
I became very ill when I was a teenager, and spent a long period of my time away from people, from school.  This was my journey into the underworld.  What was to be a certain death sentence became a great healing and a new birth.  Having surprised everyone with my recovery from deaths door, I then surprised them with the fact that I was completely healed, you see I had a strong form of bacterial meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia, most people loose limbs with this, if not their life, I lost neither, even when they were marking lines on my body as to where the amputation would be… I willed myself well, I did not accept it. 
I must go back a little, as a kid, I experienced the usual stuff, bullying, feelings of difference due to sensitivity, being gay, I was not very happy, one dark night I willed myself to die, I called death, “Come and take me away, give me some poor kids illness let them live and not me….let me go in my sleep” the next morning after a night of nightmares, I woke with a bad headache and stiff neck, 12 hours later I was being resuscitated. 
That night I called death, and she resided within me for over a decade looking after me.
As an adult I wanted ever more to “heal the world” but I needed healing myself.  I went to a shaman, who took death out of me.  It was one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. All I felt after the healing was pure joy, I learnt how to fly!
Free from deaths grasp the next step was for the Munay Ki rites, I was told about them from the shaman, but I was reluctant because I felt the need for a big healing before, turns out I was right! It can’t be good bringing death to these beautiful rites!  Anyway, my reason for turning up? I wanted to be the most beautiful vessel I could be, for the service of mankind and the earth.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

A Son's Embrace

During the cold dark wintry days we all need a bit of brightening up, this picture is not only a beautiful and uplifting image, but you can also see how sunlight is so wonderful, and why we miss him when he's not around.
Around the base of the tree you can see clearly see the light curving around it, how wonderful to have captured this moment!
I now know why I love to bask in the sun! It feels like a warm hug from a loving friend, and now I can actually SEE the sun's arms hugging this tree!  We are made of light, chlorophyll in almost all plant life is produced by sunlight, animals eat the plants, we eat the animals and plants, all the Ingredients that make a human life originate from light, in effect we are all made up from light of the sun, first born of our Mother, our star.
Take time to bask in the light and warmth of the suns hug!